I want to perform in R the analysis "simultaneous confidence interval for multiple proportions", as illustrated in the article of Agresti et al. (2008) "Simultaneous confidence intervals for comparing binomial parameter", Biometrics 64, 1270-1275.
Unfortunately I did not succed to find any R example, and I have no idea how to implement this process in R.
As a case study, I need to apply such analysis on the following simple prolbem:
I did an experiment in which 12 participants had to choose between 3 conditions when provided with 3 stimuli.
Stimulus Condition1 Condition2 Condition 3
A 9 1 2
B 10 2 0
C 8 2 2
I want to prove that it is not by chance that Condition 1 is preferred rather than the other two conditions.
Can you please give me an example in R on how to perform such analysis?
In addition I would need to know how would you report such analysis in a paper.
Thanks in advance