I believe what you are getting at in your question concerns data truncation using a smaller number of principal components (PC). For such operations, I think the function prcomp
is more illustrative in that it is easier to visualize the matrix multiplication used in reconstruction.
First, give a synthetic dataset, Xt
, you perform the PCA (typically you would center samples in order to describe PC's relating to a covariance matrix:
#Generate data
frac.gaps <- 0.5 # the fraction of data with NaNs
N.S.ratio <- 0.25 # the Noise to Signal ratio for adding noise to data
x <- (seq(m)*2*pi)/m
t <- (seq(n)*2*pi)/n
#True field
Xt <-
outer(sin(x), sin(t)) +
outer(sin(2.1*x), sin(2.1*t)) +
outer(sin(3.1*x), sin(3.1*t)) +
outer(tanh(x), cos(t)) +
outer(tanh(2*x), cos(2.1*t)) +
outer(tanh(4*x), cos(0.1*t)) +
outer(tanh(2.4*x), cos(1.1*t)) +
tanh(outer(x, t, FUN="+")) +
tanh(outer(x, 2*t, FUN="+"))
Xt <- t(Xt)
res <- prcomp(Xt, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
In the results or prcomp
, you can see the PC's (res$x
), the eigenvalues (res$sdev
) giving information on the magnitude of each PC, and the loadings (res$rotation
By squaring the eigenvalues, you get the variance explained by each PC:
plot(cumsum(res$sdev^2/sum(res$sdev^2))) #cumulative explained variance
Finally, you can create a truncated version of your data by using only the leading (important) PCs:
pc.use <- 3 # explains 93% of variance
trunc <- res$x[,1:pc.use] %*% t(res$rotation[,1:pc.use])
#and add the center (and re-scale) back to data
if(all(res$scale != FALSE)){
trunc <- scale(trunc, center = FALSE , scale=1/res$scale)
if(all(res$center != FALSE)){
trunc <- scale(trunc, center = -1 * res$center, scale=FALSE)
dim(trunc); dim(Xt)
You can see that the result is a slightly smoother data matrix, with small scale features filtered out:
RAN <- range(cbind(Xt, trunc))
BREAKS <- seq(RAN[1], RAN[2],,100)
COLS <- rainbow(length(BREAKS)-1)
par(mfcol=c(1,2), mar=c(1,1,2,1))
image(Xt, main="Original matrix", xlab="", ylab="", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", breaks=BREAKS, col=COLS)
image(trunc, main="Truncated matrix (3 PCs)", xlab="", ylab="", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", breaks=BREAKS, col=COLS)
And here is a very basic approach that you can do outside of the prcomp function:
#alternate approach
Xt.cen <- scale(Xt, center=TRUE, scale=FALSE)
C <- cov(Xt.cen, use="pair")
E <- svd(C)
A <- Xt.cen %*% E$u
#To remove units from principal components (A)
#function for the exponent of a matrix
"%^%" <- function(S, power)
with(eigen(S), vectors %*% (values^power * t(vectors)))
Asc <- A %*% (diag(E$d) %^% -0.5) # scaled principal components
#Relationship between eigenvalues from both approaches
plot(res$sdev^2, E$d) #PCA via a covariance matrix - the eigenvalues now hold variance, not stdev
abline(0,1) # same results
Now, deciding which PCs to retain is a separate question - one that I was interested in a while back. Hope that helps.