A latent variable model involving a binomial observed variable $Y$ can be constructed such that $Y$ is related to the latent variable $Y^*$ via
$ Y = \begin{cases} 0, & \mbox{if }Y^*>0 \\ 1, & \mbox{if }Y^*<0. \end{cases} $
The latent variable $Y^*$ is then related to a set of regression variables $X$ by the model $Y^* = X\beta + \varepsilon$. This results in a binomial regression model.
The variance of $\varepsilon$ can not be identified and when it is not of interest is often assumed to be equal to one. If $\varepsilon$ is normally distributed, then a probit is the appropriate model and if $\varepsilon$ is log-Weibull distributed, then a logit is appropriate. If $\varepsilon$ is uniformly distributed, then a linear probability model is appropriate.