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Best Linear Unbiased Estimator

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In linear models, why are we focused on BLUE rather than UMVUE?

It seems more natural to talk about UMVUE (following the basic statistical estimation theory). But when we turn to lm, we only care about BLUE, why? Are there any insurmountable difficulties here?
ChS's user avatar
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Gauss-Markov-Theorem not holding true when error terms not normally distributed? [duplicate]

I tried to simulate some stuff around the Gauss-Markov-Theorem when I stumbled over something I cannot explain. I tried to simulate the density of an OLS estimator and a LAD (least absolute deviations)...
Sebastian Geis's user avatar
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Logistic Regression: Median Imputing vs Mean Imputing

Missing values need to be imputed when performing logistic regression. Missing values are often imputed by the median. The mean is the BLUE (best linear unbiased estimator). But Median is robust to ...
PalimPalim's user avatar
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Why would bootstrap OLS standard errors differ from ML estimate?

Let's say I have a regression dataset (paired x and y) such that the response variable (y) has an unknown distribution (but definitely not Gaussian) and is large enough such that the central limit ...
David Wang's user avatar
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Least squares estimator of normally distributed observations

I am trying to comprehend what the authors are asking me to show in this following exercise problem from Hogg, McKean and Craig's book titled "Introduction to Mathematical Statistics." 3.5....
TryingHardToBecomeAGoodPrSlvr's user avatar
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Check $cov(X,e)=0$ using residuals [duplicate]

I know it is wrong but I am not sure why. We run a linear regression $$ Y = a + bX + e$$ we get the residual $$ \hat{e} = Y -(\hat{a}+ \hat{b} X)$$ Why can we not check $cov(X,e)=0$ using $corr(X,\...
Papayapap's user avatar
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Simplistic linear estimator for a probability vector

I am working on a problem where the unknown probabilities $p_i$ are related to observed rates/frequencies $\pi_\alpha$ as $$ \pi_\alpha = \sum_iW_{\alpha i}p_i, $$ where $W_{\alpha i}$ is known (...
Roger V.'s user avatar
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How to use the effects output of a MANOVA model to calculate BLUEs? (without an intercept)

So my team wants a single best linear unbiased estimate (BLUE) using 2 response variables. I have asremlR and here is my code to produce the model: ...
Sarah Johnson's user avatar
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matrix result needed to show consistency of equation

I am trying to show the following system of equation Va+Xb=0 and X'a=k, is consistent when a'X=k', where V is nXn and X is nXp (p<n) matrix, a,b,k are vectors. I could not find the reason how Va ...
H. Ghosh's user avatar
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BLUE from calculus

Let $p'\beta$ be an estimable LPF. Suppose that $l'y$ is the candidate which must satisfy the unbiasedness condition and the minimum-variance condition. Formulate this as an optimization problem with ...
thedumbkid's user avatar
8 votes
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What is the benefit of regression with student-t residuals over OLS regression? [duplicate]

Sometimes I see advice to fit regressions with student-t residuals rather than using OLS (which is equivalent to assuming normally distributed residuals) if the distribution of the residuals is heavy-...
frelk's user avatar
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In Ordinary Least Square (OLS) estimation: is the slope actually an "Inverse-variance weighting" estimator?

I am suspecting the answer is yes, but I'd appreciate help in proving it (even though we know that the estimator is BLUE, so it should probably hold). For context: An Inverse-variance weighting is ...
Tal Galili's user avatar
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What is an auxiliary density/distribution?

I am currently reading an academic paper where, without definition, the concept of an "auxiliary distribution" has been invoked. Additional expressions used are "auxiliary density ...
jmars's user avatar
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Exercises concerning a linear regression model with parameter $\beta$

I'm trying to solve the following exercises. I am unsure of what I'm doing so I appreciate any help. My attempt: (a) We have that \begin{align*} \boldsymbol{\hat \beta} &= (\boldsymbol X^T \...
Novice's user avatar
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Generalized Least Square When Disturbance Covariance Matrix Is Rank Deficient

I cannot find any general results on the following Generalized Least Square (GLS) problem. Let $Y = X\beta + E$, where $X$ is deterministic and of full column rank $k$, and $E$ is of zero mean, with a ...
Shang Zhang's user avatar
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GLS estimator - derivation

I'm stuck with the following question: Given the model $$Y_t=\alpha+\beta X_t+u_t\,,$$ where the standard assumptions hold but $Eu_t^2=\sigma^2 X_t^2$, derive the GLS estimator. Basically, all Gauss ...
Maximilian's user avatar
77 votes
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Impractical question: is it possible to find the regression line using a ruler and compass?

The ancient greeks famously sought to construct geometrical relationships using only a ruler and a compass. Given a set of points in a two dimensional plane, is it possible to find the OLS line using ...
Pablo Derbez's user avatar
6 votes
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Prove that the OLS estimator of the intercept is BLUE

Consider the simple linear regression model $$y_i = \alpha + \beta x_i + u_i$$ with classic Gauss-Markov assumptions. In proving that $\hat{\beta}$, the OLS estimator for $\beta$, is the best linear ...
greggs's user avatar
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Linear mixed model high AIC [closed]

I try to create a Linear mixed model by comparing different combinations of random effects. However my AIC score is much higher then I find in tutorials (best 6541.42). Can I still use such a model to ...
snowflake's user avatar
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Does the Gauss-Markov Theorem state that OLS is the only BLUE estimator?

I was reading through the proof on wiki. Which is the following. \begin{align} \operatorname{E} \left[ \tilde\beta \right] &= \operatorname{E}[Cy] \\ &= \operatorname{E} \left [\left ((X'X)^{-...
financial_physician's user avatar
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Finding Best Linear Unbiased Estimator

I have the doubt that if Gauss Markov theorem is applicable here since the Variance is not constant in the model. Without Gauss Markov Theorem, how can we obtain BLUE?
rick's user avatar
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Bias-variance tradeoff question

From, the derivation for the bias-variance decomposition of the squared error is $$ E[(y - \hat{f})^2] = Bias[\hat{f}]^2 + \sigma^2 + Var[\...
David's user avatar
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What is the expectation of the product of 2 random variables (Gauss-Markov assumptions)?

In the two variable (intercept and slope) model: among other, one of the Gauss-Markov assumptions is (in the BLUE framework of OLS) My coarse slides state this implies that there is no correlation ...
infinite789's user avatar
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Please verify whether the calculating process of the WLS estimator and the variance is correct or not

There are two Heteroscedasticity regression models 1. $$ y_i = \beta x_i + \epsilon_i, \quad i=1, \ldots, n $$ where $\epsilon_i$'s are independent and distributed as $\epsilon_i \sim N(0, \sigma^2 ...
abba's user avatar
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Why is linearity (as in linearity in BLUE) a desirable property for OLS estimators?

By linearity, I do not mean the linearity of the estimators in the OLS regression equation, what I am trying to ask is why are the beta coefficients a linear function of y(i)'s. Why is linearity a ...
badavadapav's user avatar
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When to use variance stabilizing method?

Let's suppose we want to estimate $p$ from $m$ independant realisations of $X\sim Bin(n,p)$: $x_1,x_2,\dots,x_m$, with respective size $n_i$ $i$ in $\{1,\dots,m\}$. Let $p_i$ be $p_i:=x_i/n_i$. To ...
Anthony Hauser's user avatar
3 votes
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What is relation betwen linearity assumption in OLS and L in BLUE (i.e. OLS is BLUE)

The linearity assumption says that the dependent variable is linear in parameters. When Gauss-Markov assumptions hold, OLS is BLUE, meaning smallest variance amongst Linear Unbiased estimators, where ...
user497996's user avatar
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Why use OLS when it is assumed there is heteroscedasticity?

So I'm slowly going through the Stock and Watson book and I'm a bit confused on how to deal with the issue of homoscedacity/heteroscedacity. Specifically, it is mentioned that economic theory tells ...
anguyen1210's user avatar
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Estimability in Design model

consider the design model $y=\theta+e$ I know we can obtain the normal equations from observation to estimate the parameters. my question is- is the estimation BLUE? Given normal equations are: $...
Dihan's user avatar
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In a mixed model (asreml), are coefficients and predictions the same?

I am using asreml-R to model genotypic effects of crop field trials and I am confused on how to get best linear unbiased estimates for crop varieties of the model. I've found two different ways how ...
akraf's user avatar
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Is the OLS estimator the UMVUE (assuming Normality)?

Suppose $$ \mathbf{y} = \mathbf{X} \mathbf{b} + \mathbf{e} \, , \\ \mathbf{e} \sim \mathcal{N}(0,\mathbf{I}_P) \, . $$ We know that $\mathbf{\hat{b}} = (\mathbf{X}^T \mathbf{X})^{-1} \mathbf{X}^T \...
Patrick's user avatar
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Proving OLS estimator is BLUE in simplified model (deriving the variance)

A model is given as $Y = \mu + u_i$ where $u_i $ $IID(0,\sigma^2)$ with a sample of $n$ observations. I have to prove that the OLS estimator for $\mu = \frac{\sum Y_i}{n}$ is the BLUE estimator. I ...
Jon Lachmann's user avatar
5 votes
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What's the difference between "Optimal linear predictor" and "best unbiased linear estimator"?

Greene (econometric analysis 7th ed. p 53) states that OLS is the "optimal linear predictor": Then on the next page, he states that OLS is also the BLUE estimator (Gauss-Markov Theorem): I ...
user56834's user avatar
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deduce variance from precision for bathymetry dataset

I mean to merge 2 gridded dataset of bathymetry using BLUE (Best Linear Unbiased Estimate). $merged = \frac{(\sigma_1^2 * dataset2 + \sigma_2^2 * dataset1)}{(sigma_1^2 + sigma_2^2)}$ I know the ...
Ivano Barletta's user avatar
8 votes
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What are the properties of MLE that make it more desirable than OLS?

This question seems fundamental enough that I'm convinced it has been answered here somewhere, but I haven't found it. I understand that if the dependent variable in a regression is normally ...
Michael Webb's user avatar
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Is OLS estimator the only BLUE estimator?

Gauss–Markov_theorem states that OLS estimator is a BLUE estimator. My doubt is can there be any other linear estimator, other than OLS, which is also a BLUE estimator? After going through the proof ...
honeybadger's user avatar
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Why is bias equal to zero for OLS estimator with respect to linear regression?

I understand the concept of bias-variance tradeoff. Bias based on my understanding, represents the error because of using a simple classifer(eg: linear) to capture a complex non-linear decision ...
GeorgeOfTheRF's user avatar
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Proof that an estimator is linear

can u guys give some hint on how to prove that tilde beta is a linear estimator and that it is unbiased? $$\tilde\beta=\frac1n\sum_{i=1}^n\frac{y_i-\bar{y}}{x_i-\bar{x}}$$ i have attempted to ...
Lida's user avatar
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Role of Gauss-Markov Theorem in Linear Regression

How does being BLUE matter in Linear Regression for the coefficients? What does Heteroscedasticity Consistent & Auto-correlation Consistent Dispersion matrix take care off in this regard?
Shreyo Mallik's user avatar
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Restricted OLS have less variance than OLS?

According to Gauss-Markov Theorem, ordinary least squares (OLS) is the best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE). How then can restricted OLS have less variance? Please tell me the reason.
elon jeong's user avatar
17 votes
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Other unbiased estimators than the BLUE (OLS solution) for linear models

For a linear model the OLS solution provides the best linear unbiased estimator for the parameters. Of course we can trade in a bias for lower variance, e.g. ridge regression. But my question is ...
Gumeo's user avatar
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Combining variance reduction techniques

I'm looking for some reference on the combination of various variance reduction techniques, in particular a best linear unbiased estimator. The only reference I have is McLeish - Monte Carlo ...
Egodym's user avatar
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How to Estimate the Error Term in a Heteroscedastic Model with Regression Through the Origin

Suppose we have a NO INTERCEPT model, $$y_i=\beta x_i+e_i$$ where $e_{i}$ follows a N(0,$\sigma^2 x_i^h$), so $e_i$ is equal in distribution to $e_{0i} x_i^{\frac{h}{2}}$, where $e_{0i}$ follows a N(...
Lewkrr's user avatar
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Why do the estimated values from a Best Linear Unbiased Predictor (BLUP) differ from a Best Linear Unbiased Estimator (BLUE)?

I understand that the difference between them is related to whether the grouping variable in the model is estimated as a fixed or random effect, but it's not clear to me why they are not the same (if ...
Jeremy Miles's user avatar
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Proving Linear Estimator (beta) is BLUE?

In the book Statistical Inference pg 570 of pdf, There's a derivation on how a linear estimator can be proven to be BLUE. I got all the way up to 11.3.18 and then the next part stuck me. After ...
Kevin  Pei's user avatar
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Proof for "Least squares estimator is BLUE"

I checked all the books and on-line materials I could find for the proof, but found all of them have a derivation problem, which I cannot understand. To prove the least squares estimator is the $...
Alan's user avatar
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11 votes
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Gauss-Markov theorem: BLUE and OLS

I'm reading up on the Guass-Markov theorem on wikipedia, and I was hoping somebody could help me figure out the main point of the theorem. We assume a linear model, in matrix form, is given by: $$ y =...
Patrick's user avatar
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Why doesn't the Cramér-Rao lower bound apply?

Let $X_1, X_2, \dots, X_n$ be a sample of i.i.d. random variables, with density $$f_\theta=\frac{2}{3\theta}\left(1-\frac{x}{3\theta}\right) $$ for $0 < x < 3\theta$. And $f_\theta=0$ if $ x <...
Applied mathematician's user avatar