Questions tagged [statistical-significance]

Statistical significance is a characteristic of a statistic viewed in light of a null hypothesis and a given significance level. It reflects whether the statistic belongs to the rejection region (is statistically significant) or the acceptance region (is not statistically significant).

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test if 5% difference is significant

I have a dataset that contains 20000 chess matches. According to these matches, white won 50% of the games while black won 45%. I want to test if this 5% difference is significant. How can I do that? ...
Atilla Colak's user avatar
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Dealing with results from thousands of regression models

I have a dataset containing 100 observations and 4 independent variables. These 100 observations can be categorised into 30 groups. In other words, for any given iteration, one observation per group ...
K_D's user avatar
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Comparison of Coefficients of Variation (CVs)

I have to compare the variability of measures between 2 groups (geographical regions). Each group consists of a limited number of elements (i.e., the number of districts of each region); hence, a ...
M. Vande Velde's user avatar
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Is there an association between the work status of the college students and the challenges facing them?

So I am supposed to do a study about the online learning obstacles. now the research question is as stated as follows:"Is there an association between the work status of the college students and ...
ACA95's user avatar
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Linear regression for main effect not interaction effect

I have a linear equation: lm(Connectivity ~ (Complex-Attention + Memory)*MDD, data = D) From this association I obtain a significant main effect but no ...
J.Doe's user avatar
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Correlation between Migraine Events and Barometric Pressure [closed]

I have historic air pressure line graphs and I have superimposed the dates on which I have suffered migraine attacks. I can see that my migraines are most likely to occur around 3 days after a sharp ...
Mark's user avatar
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Full model significant but insignificant predictors (NO COLLINEARITY) [duplicate]

A follow-up on this unceremoniously deleted question, and before you yet again send me to this one, keep in mind that, as was re-iterated in the original formulation, collinearity is not an issue here ...
UsDAnDreS's user avatar
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Are laws designed by statistical analysis?

Are laws in general created based on statistics? Or at least a certain type of laws like traffic laws? Is there any clear historical example of a law being created on the strength of statistical data? ...
Noah Mcelwain's user avatar
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What metrics can be used to evaluate each cluster in clustering

I am clustering a dataset, where the binary ground truth (positive/negative samples) is known. I am looking for specific clusters that show high homogeneity/purity. I know that there are many metrics ...
Felix Z.'s user avatar
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What would be the most appropriate test to compare two groups in the three parts of the data?

I have a response dataset for twenty-five questions, which measures three grammar topics. The participants are two different English proficiency groups of intermediate and advanced. So, I want to ...
Süleyman Yaman's user avatar
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What Statistical test should I use

I am conducting an empirical study, I applied 3 treatments on the sample of 23 objects. The treatments 1 and 2 are independent but the treatment 3 is the combination of the first two. I want to test ...'s user avatar
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Currently a pharmacologist who wants to do statistics on their data and unsure how to proceed?

I ran a dose-response experiment and obtained curves for 5 different animals; however, I am unsure of the best way to analyze this data. I have already log transformed my doses, but I was wondering if ...
John Abercrombie's user avatar
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Statistical test for determining difference from true measurement?

So hypothetical situation is as follows: Let's say I make a neural net that can determine the length of an object in an image in centimeters. I also have an actual length for that object. My goal: ...
user2615936's user avatar
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Wald F test vs Wald T test

What is the difference between the Wald F test and Wald T test? I understand one uses the T distribution and the other an F distribution but I am unsure in which situations one is appropriate and the ...
JDoe2's user avatar
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What statistical test would be best for determining if one group is directly correlated to another?

I have to determine if temperature values are the direct cause of three groups, low, medium, and high. I would assign each of these groups a number, low would be 1, medium 2, and high 3, so the data ...
saltysugars's user avatar
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Testing for Differenc vs Equivalence (e.g., Drugs vs. Disc Brakes)

Scenario Medicine Let's say I'm developing a new medicine. I have two groups M0 (placebo) and M1 (real drug) where ...
left4bread's user avatar
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Propotion test vs T-test

Proportion test - Helps to identify if there is significant difference in proportion across the samples.(i.e. the values are in proportion and denominator is in sample size of entire proportion) ...
Mooventh Chiyan's user avatar
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The difference between two population means

I am trying to answer this question: ...
e. erhan's user avatar
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P adjusted values in Deseq2

I have a metabolic pathway dataset that I run through DESeq2 and my question is why some different p-values ended up having an equal p-adjusted? ...
Jesus Miguens Blanco's user avatar
-1 votes
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test of proportions, but only want to test the proportion between 2 samples

I have a questionnaire with X possible answers (only 1 answer is allowed) an a sample size N. I want to perform a test of whether answer 1 is more likely than answer 2 for example, regardless of the ...
Jorge Kageyama's user avatar
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Statistical Significance on shops performances with a marketing promotion

I have data regarding the performances of shops on a certain time period: in this data some shops had an active marketing promotion, and some didn't. I would like to understand whether the shops with ...
Luckyna's user avatar
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What is a sufficient sample size to establish whether difference in mean is significant

I'm very new to the world of statistics. Could someone explain to me in layman's terms the following: I have complete data on a population size of ~37,000. I can show, across the entire population, ...
furbaw's user avatar
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How can I adjust the p-value calculation for an A/B test that is currently running?

I am running an A/B test. I have about 95k samples per variation and 1.29% relative improvement. The test is to see whether the variant converts users to booking better than the control. Test is still ...
bp0308's user avatar
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means and errors for election polls

I'm trying to assess how to compute the errors associated with a numbers of likely voter polls of the Warnock Georgia Senate race. I have estimates of the margin of victory from 9 surveys of varying ...
user307843's user avatar
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How many points for statistical significance in design of experiments

I am running an experiment that includes 27 input data points. The function yields results if we input $2 \leq x \leq 27$ points. I divide my data points in 9 sets of 3 points each. Now, I want to ...
Sadikov's user avatar
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Which statistical test is correct to compare two groups of very different sizes?

I have two groups that consist of the tree fraction and elevation. The sizes of the groups are very different, and the mean of tree fraction and elevation are included in the table, below. They are ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Significance Test for ML Classifier Prediction

I have a binary classifier that outputs continuous values. If the output is $\ge0$, then it is a positive class prediction, otherwise it is a negative class prediction. After training this binary ...
3michelin's user avatar
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Statistical significance of causal models and cross validation

When tuning causal models (e.g. uplift models) using cross validation, how important is the statistical significance of the measurement (e.g., the difference between group A and B, or Control and ...
thereandhere1's user avatar
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3 answers

Test for significance when looking at 2 proportions?

I am very new to statistics, and I would appreciate any help. I have two independent groups of physicians, A and B. Each physician group is measured on how successful they are at certain quality-of-...
IDontDoStats's user avatar
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Categorical independent variable and binary dependent variable

Which test can I use for analyzing the effect of a categorical independent variable, such as preoperative ASA score (1/2/3/4), on a binary dependent variable, such as postoperative complication (yes/...
1997's user avatar
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What is a good P value for statistical significance when conducting a Wilcoxon Rank Sum test? [duplicate]

Is a P value of 0.4 statistically significant for a Wilcoxon Rank Sum test?
Jamerson2's user avatar
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Would a T test be appropriate for determining the significance of an algorithm's results?

Say you have an algorithm which should yield a higher score when given two similar images and a lower value when given two images that do not resemble each other. Two sets of tests are run, one where ...
Jamerson2's user avatar
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Compare the mean of two independent samples (equal size)

I would like to check whether there are statistically significant difference between women and men in the use of the Internet. I have a data for 144 countries about the use of the Internet by women ...
Milena's user avatar
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Can be p-value be defined as overlap of surface areas of two comparable distributions?

P-value shows the probability of null hypothesis. Can we also say that if P = 0.5, then half of the surface areas of two comparable distributions overlap? And statistical significance, e.g. P < 0....
st4co4's user avatar
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How to properly calculate statistical INsignificance?

Just like the author of this post (at a time), I am quite new to statistics. So, I am not sure if I am using the right words here, yet I believe that our questions are pretty different (despite the ...
Zhiltsoff Igor's user avatar
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Not rejecting null-hypothesis and inflation of type I error

Context In statistics, it is quite common to perform statistical tests in the explicit goal of not-rejecting the null hypothesis. For example, prior to conducting an ANOVA, one will check for ...
outofthegreen's user avatar
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Kendall rank correlation coefficient's p-value

I'm trying to compute a p-value for a two tailed test following Wikipedia formula which indicates that: one computes Z, and finds the cumulative probability for a standard normal distribution at -|Z|....
Genarito's user avatar
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Appropriate statistical test

I have two sets of data, each having sets of unsigned integers in [0,1,2]. Floating point numbers are not possible. I have thought to use Welch's t-test, but I don't think that this data is normally ...
con's user avatar
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Is the data statistically significant?

A tiger killed 60 villagers in the year 2018. The villagers came up with a technique to wear a mask on the back of their heads to prevent the tiger from attacking from the back. They did this for an ...
ChiNmay Bhat's user avatar
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Which test to perform for significance testing when comparing accuracies from two models

I need to perform a test to show that accuracy results from different models are statistically significant (or not). I have been looking into but I do not know ...
Boris's user avatar
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Generate data for significance testing

I want to generate a data set with a pre-specified significance level. Let's say we have 2 covariates x1, x2, and an outcome variable y. We fit a linear regression model as follow: ...
Rasel Biswas's user avatar
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Understanding the augmented Dickey-Fuller unit root test (tested using ur.df() function in R)

I tested for trend in a time series using the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test in R. I am having trouble interpreting the output below: ...
NewLearner's user avatar
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ARMA/GARCH statistical significance of estimated parameters

My question is general and is concerned with ARMA-GARCH modeling. When performing the joint estimation of the ARMA and GARCH parts, some works tend to not be concerned with the statistical ...
peter5's user avatar
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ANOVA three group test is significant but the difference is small

I have three individuals with 50 measurements of walking movement. The measurements have been transformed to be normally distributed. I applied a one way ANOVA, and it showed that the three groups are ...
Shivvy's user avatar
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P value as a measure of effect size?

Why is the p-value not a measure of effect size, i.e a lower p-value having a higher Cohen's D or mean difference? Say for instance I'm doing multiple t-tests or mann whitney u tests and using a p-...
Jonesn11's user avatar
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How do I identify common features/similarities of members in a class?

If I need to go over the actual data which I have, I have employee data of our company. Employees are divided into two groups, binary(1,0). Some of them are 1 and the rest are in 0 class. The data set ...
Clankk's user avatar
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Best Statistical Test for Median Comparison [duplicate]

I just have a very quick question on some data I have. I was asked to collect data for tumor emergence in two groups of mice. One treated with PBS and another treated with PBS plus Matrigel. The one ...
N.H.'s user avatar
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Assessing Logistic Regression and Determining if Splines Are Appropriate

I'm working on building a logistic model which will be used to estimate the probability that an account will skip on their monthly payment. My dataset roughly includes 50,000 observations with 15% of ...
lisfy12's user avatar
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Relating Temp / Size / Time to Mortality Rates from Catch and Release Fishing

I am conducting a fish catch and release mortality study and have hit a wall with the statistics portion of my report and could use a nudge in the right direction. I am trying to relate a few ...
fishmonger's user avatar
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How to Test Significance of Trading Strategy? [closed]

I am wanting to try out a new trading strategy, and it has proven successful on a simulator for the past few days. I do want to collect some more data and see if my results are statistically ...
k.jackson's user avatar

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