I need find which is the best model / variables for explaining the species richness of Coleoptera in Hawaii islands.
This is the input:
biogeo <- read.table("DataIslands.txt", h=T)
species <- read.table("DataSpecies.txt", h=T)
SR_Coleop_Mac <- species$Coleoptera
SR_Coleop_Mac <- log10(species$Coleoptera + 1)
biogeo$Area <- log10(biogeo$Area)
regMODEL_Coleop <- lm(SR_Coleop_Mac ~ Area + Age + Altitude,
data = biogeo, na.action = na.fail)
selec_Coleop <- dredge(regMODEL_Coleop)
get.models(selec_Coleop, subset = delta < 2)
imp_Coleop <- importance(selec_Coleop)
barplot(t(imp_Coleop), main="Coleoptera")
This is the output:
Model selection table
(Intrc) Age Alttd Area df logLik AICc delta weight
1 0.480300 2 -5.633 17.7 0.00 0.643
5 -0.980600 0.5004 3 -3.815 19.6 1.96 0.241
3 0.270400 0.0001249 3 -5.217 22.4 4.77 0.059
2 0.421200 0.02492 3 -5.608 23.2 5.55 0.040
7 -2.490000 -0.0004072 1.2520 4 -2.048 25.4 7.76 0.013
6 -1.250000 0.06789 0.5376 4 -3.527 28.4 10.72 0.003
4 0.006534 0.08092 0.0001675 4 -4.971 31.3 13.61 0.001
8 -2.508000 -0.01589 -0.0004289 1.2830 5 -2.031 44.1 26.40 0.000
This is the plot:
Which is the best model / variables? What does model 1 mean? What does intercept mean?
I should log10(Age)
and log10(Altitude)
AIC delta of the Model1 and Model5 <2
- These are the best models. But:
- Model 1 only had result with interception
- Model 5 had result with interception and area
So, the model 5 is the best?