
I stumbled upon the following problem:

Given 'n' dice with 'm' faces with values 1 to m and a number 'x' what is the probability that the sum of the numbers on the 'm' dice is greater than or equal to 'x'? That is $m \le x \le n.m$ find $P(sum \ge x)$

Now, this 'almost approximates' a normal distribution. I'm sure it won't be a straight triangle but would have some sort of 'bell'-ish shape. Now the point is, "how" can I compute this without necessarily enumerating everything? Is there a generating function like thing I can use. Probably a recursive definition? Not sure if that's the way to go but I'm just at my wit's end. I was thinking of visualizing this distribution but that would still require to know the individual probabilities $P(sum = 6),...,P(sum = m.n)$

I've mostly encountered problems with 2-3 dice and it is somewhat easy to do or compute the sums. But how can one generalize this like in this problem?

  • $\begingroup$ You already have a good answer, but just to confirm, 'm' is the same for all dice? ie they all have the same number of heads? $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 3, 2013 at 18:43
  • $\begingroup$ @PeterEllis - Yes. That's correct. $\endgroup$
    – PhD
    Commented Jan 3, 2013 at 18:47

4 Answers 4


For many purposes, you can use a normal approximation with continuity correction.

You can also use recursion for the probability that the total equals $y$, and add these from $y=x+1$ through $y=mn$.

There is also an exact formula for the probability that the sum equals $y$ involving a single summation, which gives you a double sum for the probability the sum is greater than $x$. Be careful that in the linked answer, the "dice" had values from $0$ through $m$ instead of from $1$ through $m$. You can convert these by subtracting $1$ from each die and $n$ from the total, and using $m-1$ in place of $m$. Also, as whuber pointed out, there can be numerical instability if you are not careful in the order in which you add the terms of an alternating sum.


Why don't you compute $P(sum > x)$ using a recursive formula with respect to the number of dices? Something like $P(sum_n > x) = P(sum_{n - 1} + outcome_n > x) = \sum_{1}^{m}p_i1_{1 \le i \le m}P(sum_{n-1}>x-i)$.


Here's an implementation of @ThePawn's answer in Julia. This computes the probability that they sum up to exactly n.

using Memoize # using Pkg; Pkg.add("Memoize")
@memoize function p_dice(dice, sides, n)
    # Returns the probability dice dice with side sides
    # sum up to n,
    # where side ∈ 1:sides
    if dice == 1
        if 1 <= n <= sides
            return 1/sides
            return 0
    return sum(1/sides * p_dice(dice-1, sides, n-outcome) for outcome in 1:sides)

and one in python:

import functools
def p_dice(dice, sides, n):
    # Returns the probability dice dice with side sides
    # sum up to n,
    # where side in range(1, side+1)
    if dice == 1:
        if 1 <= n <= sides:
            return 1/sides # equal probability for each outcome
            return 0
    return sum(1/sides * p_dice(dice-1, sides, n-outcome) for outcome in range(1, sides+1)

Note that the memoization may very well be suboptimal for larger number of dice.


If the faces are uniform then the distribution will resemble a discrete form of the Irwin Hall distribution.

You could figure out the equations for the distribution, which will be some piecewise polynomial.

Possibly easier is to compute it by convolution (as given in another answer using a recursive formula) or by using the normal approximation.


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