I can understand that it is possible to estimate survival curves directly from the results of a Cox regression.
The way it can be done, mathematically, is furthermore very nicely explained in this video: https://www.coursera.org/lecture/simple-regression-analysis-public-health/estimating-survival-curves-from-cox-regression-results-iQRtN
I am currently trying to learn how to do this manually in R, but I have not been able to make it work so far. I was therefore hoping that some of you might be able to understand the mathemathics involved as well as being able to translate the proces into R code. I have tried different approaches but without any luck, so any help or input is greatly appreciated.
I am aware that there exist questions on here which share some similarities with this one, but they do not follow the approach in the video, and I do not believe that they answer the problem presented here, which is why I created this question.
As an example, I have created this Cox model
subcoh <- nwtco$in.subcohort
selccoh <- with(nwtco, rel==1|subcoh==1)
ccoh.data <- nwtco[selccoh,]
ccoh.data$subcohort <- subcoh[selccoh]
## central-lab histology
ccoh.data$histol <- factor(ccoh.data$histol,labels=c("FH","UH"))
## tumour stage
ccoh.data$stage <- factor(ccoh.data$stage,labels=c("I","II","III","IV"))
ccoh.data$age <- ccoh.data$age/12 # Age in years
fit.ccSP <- cch(Surv(edrel, rel) ~ stage + histol + age, data =ccoh.data,
subcoh = ~subcohort,
from which I get the following results
> summary(fit.ccSP)
Case-cohort analysis,x$method, LinYing
with subcohort of 668 from cohort of 4028
Call: cch(formula = Surv(edrel, rel) ~ stage + histol + age, data = ccoh.data,
subcoh = ~subcohort, id = ~seqno, cohort.size = 4028, method = "LinYing")
Coef HR (95% CI) p
stageII 0.693 1.999 1.453 2.751 0.000
stageIII 0.627 1.872 1.348 2.599 0.000
stageIV 1.300 3.668 2.529 5.320 0.000
histolUH 1.458 4.299 3.240 5.704 0.000
age 0.046 1.047 1.002 1.094 0.039
Based on these results, I am trying - as shown in the video - to estimate the survival curves for the different stages, i.e. "stageII", "stageIII" and "stageIV", but, as mentioned, I have not been able to make it work.
for case-cohort design. Have you been able to make this work with a standardcoxph
model? Try that first. I don't have any experience with case-cohort analysis, and wonder whether the objects returned bycch
contain the same information and can be analyzed in exactly the same way as those returned bycoxph
. $\endgroup$cch
- orcoxph
-function? Or I am missing something? $\endgroup$cch
function, I don't know whether you can extract the baseline hazard from its results in the way that you can extract it from a standard Cox model. Try just doing this with a standard Cox model (coxph
) as a first step in troubleshooting. $\endgroup$