This equals the decrease in error rate that I discuss here and call $R^2_{accuracy}$, though it takes some algebra to see why.
R^2_{\text{accuracy}} = 1 - \dfrac{
\text{Error rate of the model under consideration}
\text{Error rate of a model that naïvely predicts the majority class every time}
To simplify the calculation, I will shorten the notation.
E_1 = \text{Error rate of the model under consideration} $$$$
E_0 = \text{Error rate of a model that naïvely predicts the majority class every time} $$$$
N = \text{Number of classification attempts (Sample size)}
R^2_{\text{accuracy}} = 1 - \dfrac{
}= \dfrac{
E_0 - E_1
Next, let's break down what the three components of the UCLA fraction mean in this terminology.
For "correct", multiply the accuracy of your model by the total number of classification attempts. Since $E_1$ is the error rate of your model, $1-E_1$ is the accuracy, so $\text{Correct} = N(1-E_1)$.
For "n", apply similar logic but to the model that naïvely predicts the majority class every time. The error rate for such a model is $E_0$, so its accuracy is $1-E_0$. Consequently, the total number of correct predictions by the model that naïvely predicts the majority class every time is $N(1-E_0)$.
Finally, "total" is easy: it's exactly $N$.
Now it's time to plug in and do the algebra.
R^2_{\text{AdjustedCount}} = \dfrac{\text{
Correct - n
Total - n
= \dfrac{
N(1-E_1) - N(1-E_0)
N - N(1-E_0)
= \dfrac{
(1-E_1) - (1-E_0)
1 - (1-E_0)
= \dfrac{
1-E_1 - (1-E_0)
1 - (1-E_0)
1-E_1 - 1 + E_0
E_0 - E_1
} $$$$
= 1 -\dfrac{
= R^2_{\text{accuracy}}
An R
simulation could be fun to show the two to be equal.
R <- 10000 # Number of times to repeat the loop
N <- 1000 # Number of samples within each loop
# Function to calculate UCLA's "count"
count <- function(correct, total_count){t
# Function to calculate UCLA's "adjusted count"
count_adj <- function(correct, total_count, n_most_common){
(correct - n_most_common)
(total_count - n_most_common)
# Function to calculate my R^2_accuracy
r2_accuracy <- function(model_error_rate, naive_error_rate){
1 -
# Blank vector to hold differences between adjusted count and R^2_accuracy
d <- rep(NA, R)
# Loop R-many times
for (i in 1:R){
# Define the true event probabilities
p1 <- runif(N, 0.1, 0.9)
# Simulate 0/1 events with probability p1
true <- rbinom(N, 1, p1)
# Define probability of a model making a mistake
p2 <- runif(N, 0.1, 0.9)
# Define the predictions as the true values plus some noise term
# Then mod by 2 so all values are 0 or 1
pred <- (true + rbinom(N, 1, p2)) %% 2
# Define the number of correct predictions
n_correct <- length(true) - sum((true - pred)^2)
# Define the sample size
total_count <- length(true)
# Define the number of values belonging to the most common label
n_most_common <- max(table(true))
# Define the accuracy of the predictions using the "count" function
# (Yes, it's proportion classified correctly instead of accuracy percentage)
model_accuracy <- count(length(true) - sum((true - pred)^2), length(true))
# Define the error rate of the predictions
model_error_rate <- 1 - model_accuracy
# Define the accuracy of naively predicting the majority category every time
# (Yes, it's proportion classified correctly instead of accuracy percentage)
naive_accuracy <- max(table(true))/length(true)
# Define the error rate of naively predicting the majority category every time
naive_error_rate <- 1 - naive_accuracy
# Calculate and store the difference between UCLA's adjusted count and
# my R^2_ accuracy
d[i] <-
) -
# Print a summary of the differences between my calculation and UCLA's,
# revealing the two to be the same (up to differences that can be attributed
# to doing math on a computer (floating point errors))
> summary(d)
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
-2.498e-16 -2.776e-17 1.344e-17 2.025e-17 6.939e-17 2.776e-16
The differences between my calculations and the UCLA adjusted count
calculations are on the order of $10^{-16}$. This is R's way of saying the difference between the UCLA adjusted count and my $R^2_{accuracy}$ is zero every time out of ten-thousand checks. (Such differences are attributable to floating point errors coming from doing math on a computer.)