Suppose we have a random variable $Y$ that generates data $(Y_1,...,Y_N)$ for $N \in \mathbb{N}$ big, i.e. $N \geq 10'000$. The mean of the random variable $Y$ is $\mu = 0.52$ and the standard deviation is $\sigma = 0.002$.
We do not have access to the data $(Y_1,...,Y_N)$ directly, rather a device measures the outcomes of $Y$ and give us the data $(\tilde{Y_1},...,\tilde{Y_N})$ such that $\tilde{Y_i}$ is rounded at the third decimal for $i = 1,...,N$. As an example, suppose that $Y_i = 0.5236$, then $\tilde{Y_i} = 0.524$.
The goal is to know if the random variable $Y$ is normally distributed, by applying a normality test for example. The problem is that we can only do the normality test on the data
$(\tilde{Y_1},...,\tilde{Y_N})$ that are not normally distributed anymore because they were transformed and the rounding is 'too strong' in regard with the standard deviation implying a strong deviation from normality.
I have found an article of minitab explaining that the Ryan-Joiner test can be an alternative and works good in case of rounding
However, it does not always work in my case. I have also made some simulations for $N = 30'000$ (which corresponds to my practical case) to illustrate what happen.
In red is $(Y_1,...,Y_N)$ if $Y$ is a normal distribution and in black is $\tilde{Y}$. As we can see, the distribution of $\tilde{Y}$ has a form of a bell shape but with a big peak.
So, I tried to take a subsample (of size 50 and 100) of the $\tilde{Y}$ and do a normality test on it, it works for some cases. I was wondering if it is a good approach because in any case, a normality test on a sample of size 30'000 can rarely be passed.
Has anyone any idea how to overcome this problem?