I have been studying statistics from many books for the last 3 years, and thanks to this site I learned a lot. Nevertheless one fundamental question still remains unanswered for me. It may have a very simple or a very difficult answer, but I know for sure it requires some deep understanding of statistics.
When fitting a model to data, be it a frequentist or a bayesianBayesian approach, we propose a model, which may consist of a functional form for likelihood, a prior, or a kernel (non-parametric), etc. The issue is any model fits a sample with some level of goodness. One can always find a better or worse model compared to what's currently at hand. At some point we stop and start drawing conclusions, generalize to population parameters, report confidence intervals, calculate risk, etc. Hence, whatever conclusion we draw is always conditional on the model we decided to settle with. Even if we are using tools to estimate the expected KL distance such as AIC, MDL, etc., it doesn't say anything about where we stand on an absolute basis, but just improves our estimation on a relative basis. It seems there is no objectivity as the model error is completely ignored.
Now suppose that we would like to define a step by step procedure to apply to any data set when building models. What should we specify as a stopping rule? Can we at least bound the model error which will give us an objective stopping point (this is different than stopping training using a validation sample, since it also gives a stopping point within the evaluated model class rather than w.r.t. the true DGP)?