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In statistical learning, implicitly or explicitly, one always assumes that the training set $\mathcal{D} = \{ \bf {X}, \bf{y} \}$ is composed of $N$ input/response tuples $({\bf{X}}_i,y_i)$ that are independently drawn from the same joint distribution $\mathbb{P}({\bf{X}},y)$ with

$$ p({\bf{X}},y) = p( y \vert {\bf{X}}) p({\bf{X}}) $$

and $p( y \vert {\bf{X}})$ the relationship we are trying to capture through a particular learning algorithm. Mathematically, this i.i.d. assumption writes:

\begin{gather} ({\bf{X}}_i,y_i) \sim \mathbb{P}({\bf{X}},y), \forall i=1,...,N \\ ({\bf{X}}_i,y_i) \text{ independent of } ({\bf{X}}_j,y_j), \forall i \ne j \in \{1,...,N\} \end{gather}

I think we can all agree that this assumption is rarely satisfied in practice, see this related SE questionSE question and the wise comments of @Glen_b and @Luca.

My question is therefore:

Where exactly does the i.i.d. assumption becomes critical in practice?


I'm asking this because I can think of many situations where such a stringent assumption is not needed to train a certain model (e.g. linear regression methods), or at least one can work around the i.i.d. assumption and obtain robust results. Actually the results will usually stay the same, it is rather the inferences that one can draw that will change (e.g. heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation consistent HAC estimators in linear regression: the idea is to re-use the good old OLS regression weights but to adapt the finite-sample behaviour of the OLS estimator to account for the violation of the Gauss-Markov assumptions).

My guess is therefore that the i.i.d. assumption is required not to be able to train a particular learning algorithm, but rather to guarantee that techniques such as cross-validation can indeed be used to infer a reliable measure of the model's capability of generalising well, which is the only thing we are interested in at the end of the day in statistical learning because it shows that we can indeed learn from the data. Intuitively, I can indeed understand that using cross-validation on dependent data could be optimistically biased (as illustrated/explained in this interesting example).

For me i.i.d. has thus nothing to do with training a particular model but everything to do with that model's generalisability. This seems to agree with a paper I found by Huan Xu et al, see "Robustness and Generalizability for Markovian Samples" here.

Would you agree with that?


If this can help the discussion, consider the problem of using the LASSO algorithm to perform a smart selection amongst $P$ features given $N$ training samples $({\bf{X}}_i,y_i)$ with $\forall i=1,...,N$ $$ {\bf{X}}_i=[X_{i1},...,X_{iP}] $$ We can further assume that:

  • The inputs ${\bf{X}}_i$ are dependent hence leading to a violation of the i.i.d. assumption (e.g. for each feature $j=1,..,P$ we observe a $N$ point time series, hence introducing temporal auto-correlation)
  • The conditional responses $y_i \vert {\bf{X}}_i$ are independent.
  • We have $P \gg N$.

In what way(s) does the violation of the i.i.d. assumption can pose problem in that case assuming we plan to determine the LASSO penalisation coefficient $\lambda$ using a cross-validation approach (on the full data set) + use a nested cross-validation to get a feel for the generalisation error of this learning strategy (we can leave the discussion concerning the inherent pros/cons of the LASSO aside, except if it is useful).

In statistical learning, implicitly or explicitly, one always assumes that the training set $\mathcal{D} = \{ \bf {X}, \bf{y} \}$ is composed of $N$ input/response tuples $({\bf{X}}_i,y_i)$ that are independently drawn from the same joint distribution $\mathbb{P}({\bf{X}},y)$ with

$$ p({\bf{X}},y) = p( y \vert {\bf{X}}) p({\bf{X}}) $$

and $p( y \vert {\bf{X}})$ the relationship we are trying to capture through a particular learning algorithm. Mathematically, this i.i.d. assumption writes:

\begin{gather} ({\bf{X}}_i,y_i) \sim \mathbb{P}({\bf{X}},y), \forall i=1,...,N \\ ({\bf{X}}_i,y_i) \text{ independent of } ({\bf{X}}_j,y_j), \forall i \ne j \in \{1,...,N\} \end{gather}

I think we can all agree that this assumption is rarely satisfied in practice, see this related SE question and the wise comments of @Glen_b and @Luca.

My question is therefore:

Where exactly does the i.i.d. assumption becomes critical in practice?


I'm asking this because I can think of many situations where such a stringent assumption is not needed to train a certain model (e.g. linear regression methods), or at least one can work around the i.i.d. assumption and obtain robust results. Actually the results will usually stay the same, it is rather the inferences that one can draw that will change (e.g. heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation consistent HAC estimators in linear regression: the idea is to re-use the good old OLS regression weights but to adapt the finite-sample behaviour of the OLS estimator to account for the violation of the Gauss-Markov assumptions).

My guess is therefore that the i.i.d. assumption is required not to be able to train a particular learning algorithm, but rather to guarantee that techniques such as cross-validation can indeed be used to infer a reliable measure of the model's capability of generalising well, which is the only thing we are interested in at the end of the day in statistical learning because it shows that we can indeed learn from the data. Intuitively, I can indeed understand that using cross-validation on dependent data could be optimistically biased (as illustrated/explained in this interesting example).

For me i.i.d. has thus nothing to do with training a particular model but everything to do with that model's generalisability. This seems to agree with a paper I found by Huan Xu et al, see "Robustness and Generalizability for Markovian Samples" here.

Would you agree with that?


If this can help the discussion, consider the problem of using the LASSO algorithm to perform a smart selection amongst $P$ features given $N$ training samples $({\bf{X}}_i,y_i)$ with $\forall i=1,...,N$ $$ {\bf{X}}_i=[X_{i1},...,X_{iP}] $$ We can further assume that:

  • The inputs ${\bf{X}}_i$ are dependent hence leading to a violation of the i.i.d. assumption (e.g. for each feature $j=1,..,P$ we observe a $N$ point time series, hence introducing temporal auto-correlation)
  • The conditional responses $y_i \vert {\bf{X}}_i$ are independent.
  • We have $P \gg N$.

In what way(s) does the violation of the i.i.d. assumption can pose problem in that case assuming we plan to determine the LASSO penalisation coefficient $\lambda$ using a cross-validation approach (on the full data set) + use a nested cross-validation to get a feel for the generalisation error of this learning strategy (we can leave the discussion concerning the inherent pros/cons of the LASSO aside, except if it is useful).

In statistical learning, implicitly or explicitly, one always assumes that the training set $\mathcal{D} = \{ \bf {X}, \bf{y} \}$ is composed of $N$ input/response tuples $({\bf{X}}_i,y_i)$ that are independently drawn from the same joint distribution $\mathbb{P}({\bf{X}},y)$ with

$$ p({\bf{X}},y) = p( y \vert {\bf{X}}) p({\bf{X}}) $$

and $p( y \vert {\bf{X}})$ the relationship we are trying to capture through a particular learning algorithm. Mathematically, this i.i.d. assumption writes:

\begin{gather} ({\bf{X}}_i,y_i) \sim \mathbb{P}({\bf{X}},y), \forall i=1,...,N \\ ({\bf{X}}_i,y_i) \text{ independent of } ({\bf{X}}_j,y_j), \forall i \ne j \in \{1,...,N\} \end{gather}

I think we can all agree that this assumption is rarely satisfied in practice, see this related SE question and the wise comments of @Glen_b and @Luca.

My question is therefore:

Where exactly does the i.i.d. assumption becomes critical in practice?


I'm asking this because I can think of many situations where such a stringent assumption is not needed to train a certain model (e.g. linear regression methods), or at least one can work around the i.i.d. assumption and obtain robust results. Actually the results will usually stay the same, it is rather the inferences that one can draw that will change (e.g. heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation consistent HAC estimators in linear regression: the idea is to re-use the good old OLS regression weights but to adapt the finite-sample behaviour of the OLS estimator to account for the violation of the Gauss-Markov assumptions).

My guess is therefore that the i.i.d. assumption is required not to be able to train a particular learning algorithm, but rather to guarantee that techniques such as cross-validation can indeed be used to infer a reliable measure of the model's capability of generalising well, which is the only thing we are interested in at the end of the day in statistical learning because it shows that we can indeed learn from the data. Intuitively, I can indeed understand that using cross-validation on dependent data could be optimistically biased (as illustrated/explained in this interesting example).

For me i.i.d. has thus nothing to do with training a particular model but everything to do with that model's generalisability. This seems to agree with a paper I found by Huan Xu et al, see "Robustness and Generalizability for Markovian Samples" here.

Would you agree with that?


If this can help the discussion, consider the problem of using the LASSO algorithm to perform a smart selection amongst $P$ features given $N$ training samples $({\bf{X}}_i,y_i)$ with $\forall i=1,...,N$ $$ {\bf{X}}_i=[X_{i1},...,X_{iP}] $$ We can further assume that:

  • The inputs ${\bf{X}}_i$ are dependent hence leading to a violation of the i.i.d. assumption (e.g. for each feature $j=1,..,P$ we observe a $N$ point time series, hence introducing temporal auto-correlation)
  • The conditional responses $y_i \vert {\bf{X}}_i$ are independent.
  • We have $P \gg N$.

In what way(s) does the violation of the i.i.d. assumption can pose problem in that case assuming we plan to determine the LASSO penalisation coefficient $\lambda$ using a cross-validation approach (on the full data set) + use a nested cross-validation to get a feel for the generalisation error of this learning strategy (we can leave the discussion concerning the inherent pros/cons of the LASSO aside, except if it is useful).

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In statistical learning, implicitly or explicitly, one always assumes that the training set $\mathcal{D} = \{ \bf {X}, \bf{y} \}$ is composed of $N$ input/response tuples $({\bf{X}}_i,y_i)$ that are independently drawn from the same joint distribution $\mathbb{P}({\bf{X}},y)$ with

$$ p({\bf{X}},y) = p( y \vert {\bf{X}}) p({\bf{X}}) $$

and $p( y \vert {\bf{X}})$ the relationship we are trying to capture through a particular learning algorithm. Mathematically, this i.i.d. assumption writes:

\begin{gather} ({\bf{X}}_i,y_i) \sim \mathbb{P}({\bf{X}},y), \forall i=1,...,N \\ ({\bf{X}}_i,y_i) \text{ independent of } ({\bf{X}}_j,y_j), \forall i \ne j \in \{1,...,N\} \end{gather}

I think we can all agree that this assumption is rarely satisfied in practice, see this related SE question and the wise comments of @Glen_b and @Luca.

My question is therefore:

Where exactly does the i.i.d. assumption becomes critical in practice?


I'm asking this because I can think of many situations where such a stringent assumption is not needed to train a certain model (e.g. linear regression methods), or at least one can work around the i.i.d. assumption and obtain robust results. Actually the results will usually stay the same, it is rather the inferences that one can draw that will change (e.g. heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation consistent HAC estimators in linear regression: the idea is to re-use the good old OLS regression weights but to adapt the finite-sample behaviour of the OLS estimator to account for the violation of the Gauss-Markov assumptions).

My guess is therefore that the i.i.d. assumption is required not to be able to train a particular learning algorithm, but rather to guarantee that techniques such as cross-validation can indeed be used to infer a reliable measure of the model's capability of generalising well, which is the only thing we are interested in at the end of the day in statistical learning because it shows that we can indeed learn from the data. Intuitively, I can indeed understand that using cross-validation on dependent data could be optimistically biased (as illustrated/explained in this interesting example).

For me i.i.d. has thus nothing to do with training a particular model but everything to do with that model's generalisability. This seems to agree with a paper I found by Huan Xu et al, see "Robustness and Generalizability for Markovian Samples" here.

Would you agree with that?


If this can help the discussion, consider the problem of using the LASSO algorithm to perform a smart selection amongst $P$ features given $N$ training samples $({\bf{X}}_i,y_i)$ with $\forall i=1,...,N$ $$ {\bf{X}}_i=[X_{i1},...,X_{iP}] $$ We can further assume that:

  • The inputs ${\bf{X}}_i$ are dependent hence leading to a violation of the i.i.d. assumption (e.g. for each feature $j=1,..,P$ we observe a $N$ point time series, hence introducing temporal auto-correlation)
  • The conditional responses $y_i \vert {\bf{X}}_i$ are i.i.dindependent.
  • We have $P \gg N$.

In what way(s) does the violation of the i.i.d. assumption can pose problem in that case assuming we plan to determine the LASSO penalisation coefficient $\lambda$ using a cross-validation approach (on the full data set) + use a nested cross-validation to get a feel for the generalisation error of this learning strategy (we can leave the discussion concerning the inherent pros/cons of the LASSO aside, except if it is useful).

In statistical learning, implicitly or explicitly, one always assumes that the training set $\mathcal{D} = \{ \bf {X}, \bf{y} \}$ is composed of $N$ input/response tuples $({\bf{X}}_i,y_i)$ that are independently drawn from the same joint distribution $\mathbb{P}({\bf{X}},y)$ with

$$ p({\bf{X}},y) = p( y \vert {\bf{X}}) p({\bf{X}}) $$

and $p( y \vert {\bf{X}})$ the relationship we are trying to capture through a particular learning algorithm. Mathematically, this i.i.d. assumption writes:

\begin{gather} ({\bf{X}}_i,y_i) \sim \mathbb{P}({\bf{X}},y), \forall i=1,...,N \\ ({\bf{X}}_i,y_i) \text{ independent of } ({\bf{X}}_j,y_j), \forall i \ne j \in \{1,...,N\} \end{gather}

I think we can all agree that this assumption is rarely satisfied in practice, see this related SE question and the wise comments of @Glen_b and @Luca.

My question is therefore:

Where exactly does the i.i.d. assumption becomes critical in practice?


I'm asking this because I can think of many situations where such a stringent assumption is not needed to train a certain model (e.g. linear regression methods), or at least one can work around the i.i.d. assumption and obtain robust results. Actually the results will usually stay the same, it is rather the inferences that one can draw that will change (e.g. heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation consistent HAC estimators in linear regression: the idea is to re-use the good old OLS regression weights but to adapt the finite-sample behaviour of the OLS estimator to account for the violation of the Gauss-Markov assumptions).

My guess is therefore that the i.i.d. assumption is required not to be able to train a particular learning algorithm, but rather to guarantee that techniques such as cross-validation can indeed be used to infer a reliable measure of the model's capability of generalising well, which is the only thing we are interested in at the end of the day in statistical learning because it shows that we can indeed learn from the data. Intuitively, I can indeed understand that using cross-validation on dependent data could be optimistically biased (as illustrated/explained in this interesting example).

For me i.i.d. has thus nothing to do with training a particular model but everything to do with that model's generalisability. This seems to agree with a paper I found by Huan Xu et al, see "Robustness and Generalizability for Markovian Samples" here.

Would you agree with that?


If this can help the discussion, consider the problem of using the LASSO algorithm to perform a smart selection amongst $P$ features given $N$ training samples $({\bf{X}}_i,y_i)$ with $\forall i=1,...,N$ $$ {\bf{X}}_i=[X_{i1},...,X_{iP}] $$ We can further assume that:

  • The inputs ${\bf{X}}_i$ are dependent hence leading to a violation of the i.i.d. assumption (e.g. for each feature $j=1,..,P$ we observe a $N$ point time series, hence introducing temporal auto-correlation)
  • The conditional responses $y_i \vert {\bf{X}}_i$ are i.i.d.
  • We have $P \gg N$.

In what way(s) does the violation of the i.i.d. assumption can pose problem in that case assuming we plan to determine the LASSO penalisation coefficient $\lambda$ using a cross-validation approach (on the full data set) + use a nested cross-validation to get a feel for the generalisation error of this learning strategy (we can leave the discussion concerning the inherent pros/cons of the LASSO aside, except if it is useful).

In statistical learning, implicitly or explicitly, one always assumes that the training set $\mathcal{D} = \{ \bf {X}, \bf{y} \}$ is composed of $N$ input/response tuples $({\bf{X}}_i,y_i)$ that are independently drawn from the same joint distribution $\mathbb{P}({\bf{X}},y)$ with

$$ p({\bf{X}},y) = p( y \vert {\bf{X}}) p({\bf{X}}) $$

and $p( y \vert {\bf{X}})$ the relationship we are trying to capture through a particular learning algorithm. Mathematically, this i.i.d. assumption writes:

\begin{gather} ({\bf{X}}_i,y_i) \sim \mathbb{P}({\bf{X}},y), \forall i=1,...,N \\ ({\bf{X}}_i,y_i) \text{ independent of } ({\bf{X}}_j,y_j), \forall i \ne j \in \{1,...,N\} \end{gather}

I think we can all agree that this assumption is rarely satisfied in practice, see this related SE question and the wise comments of @Glen_b and @Luca.

My question is therefore:

Where exactly does the i.i.d. assumption becomes critical in practice?


I'm asking this because I can think of many situations where such a stringent assumption is not needed to train a certain model (e.g. linear regression methods), or at least one can work around the i.i.d. assumption and obtain robust results. Actually the results will usually stay the same, it is rather the inferences that one can draw that will change (e.g. heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation consistent HAC estimators in linear regression: the idea is to re-use the good old OLS regression weights but to adapt the finite-sample behaviour of the OLS estimator to account for the violation of the Gauss-Markov assumptions).

My guess is therefore that the i.i.d. assumption is required not to be able to train a particular learning algorithm, but rather to guarantee that techniques such as cross-validation can indeed be used to infer a reliable measure of the model's capability of generalising well, which is the only thing we are interested in at the end of the day in statistical learning because it shows that we can indeed learn from the data. Intuitively, I can indeed understand that using cross-validation on dependent data could be optimistically biased (as illustrated/explained in this interesting example).

For me i.i.d. has thus nothing to do with training a particular model but everything to do with that model's generalisability. This seems to agree with a paper I found by Huan Xu et al, see "Robustness and Generalizability for Markovian Samples" here.

Would you agree with that?


If this can help the discussion, consider the problem of using the LASSO algorithm to perform a smart selection amongst $P$ features given $N$ training samples $({\bf{X}}_i,y_i)$ with $\forall i=1,...,N$ $$ {\bf{X}}_i=[X_{i1},...,X_{iP}] $$ We can further assume that:

  • The inputs ${\bf{X}}_i$ are dependent hence leading to a violation of the i.i.d. assumption (e.g. for each feature $j=1,..,P$ we observe a $N$ point time series, hence introducing temporal auto-correlation)
  • The conditional responses $y_i \vert {\bf{X}}_i$ are independent.
  • We have $P \gg N$.

In what way(s) does the violation of the i.i.d. assumption can pose problem in that case assuming we plan to determine the LASSO penalisation coefficient $\lambda$ using a cross-validation approach (on the full data set) + use a nested cross-validation to get a feel for the generalisation error of this learning strategy (we can leave the discussion concerning the inherent pros/cons of the LASSO aside, except if it is useful).

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In statistical learning, implicitly or explicitly, one alwaysalways assumes that the training set $\mathcal{D} = \{ \bf {X}, \bf{y} \}$ is composed of $N$ input/response tuples $({\bf{X}}_i,y_i)$ that are independently drawn from the same joint distributionindependently drawn from the same joint distribution $\mathbb{P}({\bf{X}},y)$ with   

$$ p({\bf{X}},y) = p( y \vert {\bf{X}}) p({\bf{X}}) $$ and

and $p( y \vert {\bf{X}})$ the relationship we are trying to capture viathrough a givenparticular learning algorithm or hypotheses set. Mathematically, this i.i.d. assumption writes:   

\begin{gather} ({\bf{X}}_i,y_i) \sim \mathbb{P}({\bf{X}},y), \forall i=1,...,N \\ ({\bf{X}}_i,y_i) \text{ independent of } ({\bf{X}}_j,y_j), \forall i \ne j \in \{1,...,N\} \end{gather}

I think we can all agree that this assumption is usually violatedrarely satisfied in practice (think temporal auto-correlation for instance, as observed when dealing with time series). Seesee this related SE question and the wise comments of @Glen_b and @Luca.

My question is therefore: where exactly does the i.i.d. assumption becomes critical in practice?

Where exactly does the i.i.d. assumption becomes critical in practice?


I'm asking this because I can think of many modelssituations where such a stringent assumption is not needed to train a certain model (e.g. linear regression techniquesmethods), where such a stringent assumption is not needed, or at least one can work around itthe i.i.d. assumption and obtain robust results. Actually the results will usually stay the same, it is rather the inferences that one can draw that will change (e.g. heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation consistent HAC estimators in linear regression: the idea is to re-use the good old OLS regression weights but to adapt the finite-sample behaviour of the OLS estimator to account for the violation of the Gauss-Markov assumptions).

My guess is therefore that the i.i.d. assumption is required not to be able to use a particular learning algorithm (i.e. fit a certain linear regression model), but rather to guarantee that techniques such as cross-validation produce a sound measure of the generalisation error of the former algorithmthe i.i.d. assumption is required not to be able to train a particular learning algorithm, but rather to guarantee that techniques such as cross-validation can indeed be used to infer a reliable measure of the model's capability of generalising well, which is the only thing we are interested in at the end of the day in statistical learning because it shows that we can indeed learnlearn from the data. Intuitively, I can indeed understand that using cross-validation on dependent data can produce an optimistic biascould be optimistically biased (as illustrated/explained in this interesting example).

For me i.i.d. has thus nothing to do with trainingtraining a particular model but everything to do with cross-validationthat model's (voluntarily leaving ensemble methods out of the discussion, because it may play a role here as well)generalisability. This seems to agree with a paper I would be interested on having your expert views on the questionfound by Huan Xu et al, because I'm certainly missing something bigsee "Robustness and Generalizability for Markovian Samples" here.

Would you agree with that?


In statistical learning, implicitly or explicitly, one always assumes that the training set $\mathcal{D} = \{ \bf {X}, \bf{y} \}$ is composed of $N$ input/response tuples $({\bf{X}}_i,y_i)$ that are independently drawn from the same joint distribution $\mathbb{P}({\bf{X}},y)$ with  $$ p({\bf{X}},y) = p( y \vert {\bf{X}}) p({\bf{X}}) $$ and $p( y \vert {\bf{X}})$ the relationship we are trying to capture via a given learning algorithm or hypotheses set. Mathematically, this i.i.d. assumption writes:  \begin{gather} ({\bf{X}}_i,y_i) \sim \mathbb{P}({\bf{X}},y), \forall i=1,...,N \\ ({\bf{X}}_i,y_i) \text{ independent of } ({\bf{X}}_j,y_j), \forall i \ne j \in \{1,...,N\} \end{gather}

I think we can all agree that this assumption is usually violated in practice (think temporal auto-correlation for instance, as observed when dealing with time series). See this related SE question and the wise comments of @Glen_b and @Luca.

My question is therefore: where exactly does the i.i.d. assumption becomes critical in practice?

I'm asking this because I can think of many models (e.g. linear regression techniques), where such a stringent assumption is not needed, or at least one can work around it and obtain robust results. Actually the results usually stay the same, it is the inferences that one can draw that change (e.g. heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation consistent HAC estimators in linear regression).

My guess is therefore that the i.i.d. assumption is required not to be able to use a particular learning algorithm (i.e. fit a certain linear regression model), but rather to guarantee that techniques such as cross-validation produce a sound measure of the generalisation error of the former algorithm, which is the only thing we are interested in at the end of the day in statistical learning because it shows that we can indeed learn from the data. Intuitively, I can indeed understand that using cross-validation on dependent data can produce an optimistic bias (as illustrated/explained in this interesting example).

For me i.i.d. has thus nothing to do with training a particular model but everything to do with cross-validation (voluntarily leaving ensemble methods out of the discussion, because it may play a role here as well). I would be interested on having your expert views on the question, because I'm certainly missing something big.


In statistical learning, implicitly or explicitly, one always assumes that the training set $\mathcal{D} = \{ \bf {X}, \bf{y} \}$ is composed of $N$ input/response tuples $({\bf{X}}_i,y_i)$ that are independently drawn from the same joint distribution $\mathbb{P}({\bf{X}},y)$ with 

$$ p({\bf{X}},y) = p( y \vert {\bf{X}}) p({\bf{X}}) $$

and $p( y \vert {\bf{X}})$ the relationship we are trying to capture through a particular learning algorithm. Mathematically, this i.i.d. assumption writes: 

\begin{gather} ({\bf{X}}_i,y_i) \sim \mathbb{P}({\bf{X}},y), \forall i=1,...,N \\ ({\bf{X}}_i,y_i) \text{ independent of } ({\bf{X}}_j,y_j), \forall i \ne j \in \{1,...,N\} \end{gather}

I think we can all agree that this assumption is rarely satisfied in practice, see this related SE question and the wise comments of @Glen_b and @Luca.

My question is therefore:

Where exactly does the i.i.d. assumption becomes critical in practice?


I'm asking this because I can think of many situations where such a stringent assumption is not needed to train a certain model (e.g. linear regression methods), or at least one can work around the i.i.d. assumption and obtain robust results. Actually the results will usually stay the same, it is rather the inferences that one can draw that will change (e.g. heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation consistent HAC estimators in linear regression: the idea is to re-use the good old OLS regression weights but to adapt the finite-sample behaviour of the OLS estimator to account for the violation of the Gauss-Markov assumptions).

My guess is therefore that the i.i.d. assumption is required not to be able to train a particular learning algorithm, but rather to guarantee that techniques such as cross-validation can indeed be used to infer a reliable measure of the model's capability of generalising well, which is the only thing we are interested in at the end of the day in statistical learning because it shows that we can indeed learn from the data. Intuitively, I can indeed understand that using cross-validation on dependent data could be optimistically biased (as illustrated/explained in this interesting example).

For me i.i.d. has thus nothing to do with training a particular model but everything to do with that model's generalisability. This seems to agree with a paper I found by Huan Xu et al, see "Robustness and Generalizability for Markovian Samples" here.

Would you agree with that?


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