More people should be using Newton's method in machine learning*. I say this as someone with a background in numerical optimization, who has dabbled in machine learning over the past couple of years.
The drawbacks in answers here (and even in the literature) are not an issue if you use Newton's method correctly. Moreover, the drawbacks that do matter also slow down gradient descent the same amount or more, but through less obvious mechanisms.
Using linesearch with the Wolfe conditions or using or trust regions prevents convergence to saddle points. A proper gradient descent implementation should be doing this too. The paper referenced in Cam.Davidson.Pilon's answerCam.Davidson.Pilon's answer points out problems with "Newton's method" in the presence of saddle points, but the fix they advocate is also a Newton method.
Using Newton's method does not require constructing the whole (dense) Hessian; you can apply the inverse of the Hessian to a vector with iterative methods that only use matrix-vector products (e.g., Krylov methods like conjugate gradient). See, for example, the CG-Steihaug trust region method.
You can compute Hessian matrix-vector products efficiently by solving two higher order adjoint equations of the same form as the adjoint equation that is already used to compute the gradient (e.g., the work of two backpropagation steps in neural network training).
Ill conditioning slows the convergence of iterative linear solvers, but it also slows gradient descent equally or worse. Using Newton's method instead of gradient descent shifts the difficulty from the nonlinear optimization stage (where not much can be done to improve the situation) to the linear algebra stage (where we can attack it with the entire arsenal of numerical linear algebra preconditioning techniques).
Also, the computation shifts from "many many cheap steps" to "a few costly steps", opening up more opportunities for parallelism at the sub-step (linear algebra) level.
For background information about these concepts, I recommend the book "Numerical Optimization" by Nocedal and Wright.
*Of course, Newton's method will not help you with L1 or other similar compressed sensing/sparsity promoting penalty functions, since they lack the required smoothness.