Identification of an AR model is often best done with the PACF.
For an AR model, the theoretical PACF “shuts off” past the order of
the model. The phrase “shuts off” means that in theory the partial
autocorrelations are equal to 0$0$ beyond that point. Put another way,
the number of non-zero partial autocorrelations gives the order of the
AR model. By the “order of the model” we mean the most extreme lag of
x that is used as a predictor.
... a $k^{\text{th}}$ order autoregression, written as AR(k), is a multiple linear regression in which the value of the series at any time t is a (linear) function of the values at times $t-1,t-2,\ldots,t-k:$
$$\begin{equation*} y_{t}=\beta_{0}+\beta_{1}y_{t-1}+\beta_{2}y_{t-2}+\cdots+\beta_{2}y_{t-k}+\epsilon_{t}. \end{equation*}$$
$$\begin{equation*} y_{t}=\beta_{0}+\beta_{1}y_{t-1}+\beta_{2}y_{t-2}+\cdots+\beta_{2}y_{t-k}+\epsilon_{t}. \end{equation*}$$
This equation looks like a regression model, as indicated on the linked paged... So what is a possiblepossible intuition of what we are doing...
the message gets distorted as it is whispered from person to person, and all traces of resemblancethe sentence is completely new after passing through two people. For instance, at time $t_2$ the message, i.e. "$\color{lime}{\small\text{CC}}$'s pool
" is completely different in meaning from that at $t_o,$ i.e. "CV is cool!
" The "correlation" that existed with $t_1$ (any truthful"$\color{lime}{\small\text{CC}}$ is cool!") in the word "CC" is gone; there are no remaining identical words, and even the intonation ("!") has changed.
This pattern repeats itself in that there is a word shared at any given consecutive time stamps, which goes away if you will$t_k$ is compared to $t_{k-2}.$
However, in this process of introducing errors at each step there is a similarity that spans further than just one single step: Although Chrisy's pool
is different in meaning to CC is cool!
, there is no denying their phonetic similarities, its syllabic counts, the rhyming of "pool" and "cool". Therefore it wouldn't be true that the correlation stops at $t_{k-1}.$ It does decay (exponentially) but it can be trace downstream for a long time: compare $t_5$ (Missi's cruel
) to $t_0$ (CV is cool!
). There are lost afterstill similarities.
This explains the red participantcorrelogram (ACF) in an AR(1) processes with coefficient $0.8:$
Multiple, progressively offset sequences are correlated, discarding any contribution of the intermediate steps. PACFThis would tell us thatbe the coefficients forgraph of the blue andoperations involved:
This is the yellow participants are non-contributorysetting where the PACF would useful in showing that once the effect of the brown and red participants are accounted$t_{k-1}$ is controlled for, older timestamps than (the green participant at the end$t_{k-1}$ do not explain any of the line doesn't distort the message).remaining variance: all that remains is white noise:
a very similar process to the telephone game - it'll come a point, when there won't be any variability in the signal of the actual initial time series found in progressively more distant snippets of itself.
Identification of an MA model is often best done with the ACF rather
than the PACF.
For an MA model, the theoretical PACF does not shut off, but instead
tapers toward 0 in some manner. A clearer pattern for an MA model is
in the ACF. The ACF will have non-zero autocorrelations only at lags
involved in the model.
A moving average term in a time series model is a past error (multiplied by a coefficient).
The $q^{\text{th}}$-order moving average model, denoted by MA(q) is
$$x_t = \mu + w_t +\theta_1w_{t-1}+\theta_2w_{t-2}+\dots + \theta_qw_{t-q}$$
with $w_t \overset{\text{iid}}{\sim} N(0, \sigma^2_w).$
$$x_t = \mu + w_t +\theta_1w_{t-1}+\theta_2w_{t-2}+\dots + \theta_qw_{t-q}$$ It turns out that the behavior of the ACF and the PACF are flipped compared to AR processes:
with $w_t \overset{iid}{\sim} N(0, \sigma^2_w).$
HereIn the game above, it is not$t_{k-1}$ was enough to explain all prior errors in transmitting the message resemblance across time points that is searched backwards(single bar in time step-by-stepPACF plot deemed significant), but rather the contribution of the noiseabsorbing all prior errors, which I picture ashad shaped the often massive deviations thatfinal message one error at a random walk can lead along the time line:
Multiple, progressively offset sequences are correlated, discarding any contribution. An alternative view of that AR(1) process is as the intermediate stepsaddition of a long series of correlated mistakes (Koyck transformation), an MA($\infty$). This wouldLikewise, with some conditions, an MA(1) process can be the graph of the operations involved:inverted into an AR($\infty$) process.
$$x_t = - \theta x_{t-1} - \theta^2 x_{t-2} - \theta^3 x_{t-3}+\cdots +\epsilon_t$$
In this regard, "CVThe confusing part then is cool!"why the significant spikes in the ACF stop after the number of lags in MA(q). But in MA(1) process the covariance is not completely different than "Naomi hasfrom zero only at consecutive times $\small \text{Cov}(X_t,X_{t-1})=\theta \sigma^2,$ because only then the expansion $\small {\text{Cov}}(\epsilon_t + \theta \epsilon_{t-1}, \epsilon_{t-1} + \theta \epsilon_{t_2})=\theta \text{Cov}(\epsilon_{t-1}, \epsilon_{t-1})$ will result in a pool"match in timestamps - all other combinations will be zero due to iid condition. From
In the noise pointgame of viewwhispers, the rhymes are stillerror at $t_2$ (pool
) is "correlated" with the value at $t_3$ (Chrissy's pool
); however, there allis no "correlation" between $t_3$ and the wayerror at $t_1$ (CC
It is somewhat intuitive that applying the PACF to a MA process will not result in "shut offs" as a result of the beginningsame concept of independence of the gameerrors.