See in the image below the expression of conditional probability/chance of containing the parameter for this particular example

The $\alpha \%$ confidence interval will correctly estimate/contain the true parameter $\alpha \%$ of the time, for a each parameter $\theta$. But for a given observation $X$ the $\alpha \%$ confidence interval will not estimate/contain the true parameter $\alpha \%$ of the time. (type I errors will occur at the same rate $\alpha \%$ for different values of the underlying parameter $\theta$. But for different observations $X$ the type I error rate will be different. For some observations the confidence interval may be more/less often wrong than for other observations).
The $\alpha \%$ credible interval will correctly estimate/contain the true parameter $\alpha \%$ of the time, for each observation $X$. But for a given parameter $\theta$ the $\alpha \%$ credible interval will not estimate/contain the true parameter $\alpha \%$ of the time. (type I errors will occur at the same rate $\alpha \%$ for different values of the observed parameter $X$. But for different underlying parameters $\theta$ the type I error rate will be different. For some underlying parameters the credible interval may be more/less often wrong than for other underlying parameters).
Code for computing both images:
# parameters
n <- 2*10^4
perc = 0.95
za <- qnorm(0.5+perc/2,0,1)
# model
tau <- 1
theta <- rnorm(n,0,tau)
X <- rnorm(n,theta,1)
# plot scatterdiagram of distribution
plot(theta,X, xlab=expression(theta), ylab = "observed X",
xlim = c(-5,5),ylim=c(-5,5)
# confidence interval
t <- seq(-6,6,0.01)
# credible interval
obsX <- seq(-6,6,0.01)
# adding contours for joint density
conX <- seq(-5,5,0.1)
conT <- seq(-5,5,0.1)
ln <- length(conX)
z <- matrix(rep(0,ln^2),ln)
for (i in 1:ln) {
for (j in 1:ln) {
z[i,j] <- dnorm(conT[i],0,tau)*dnorm(conX[j],conT[i],1)
contour(conT,conX,-log(z), add=TRUE, levels = 1:10 )
legend(-5,5,c("confidence interval","credible interval","log joint density"), lty=1, col=c(2,3,1), lwd=c(1,1,0.5),cex=0.7)
title(expression(atop("scatterplot and contourplot of",
paste("X ~ N(",theta,",1) and ",theta," ~ N(0,",tau^2,")"))))
# expression succes rate as function of X and theta
# Why does a 95% Confidence Interval (CI) not imply a 95% chance of containing the mean?
pX <- seq(-5,5,0.1)
pt <- seq(-5,5,0.1)
cc <- tau^2/(tau^2+1)
plot(-10,-10, xlim=c(-5,5),ylim = c(0,1),
xlab = expression(theta), ylab = "chance of containing the parameter")
title(expression(paste("for different values ", theta)))
c("confidence interval","credible interval"),
lty=1, col=c(2,3),cex=0.7, box.col="white")
plot(-10,-10, xlim=c(-5,5),ylim = c(0,1),
xlab = expression(X), ylab = "chance of containing the parameter")
title(expression(paste("for different values ", X)))
c("95% Confidence Interval\ndoes not imply\n95% chance of containing the parameter"),
cex= 0.7,pos=1)