I have the time series of 16 water quality parameters, and after standardizing them using the zscore method, I performed principal component analysis. These are my eigenvalues [7.62675203795075 2.25806327090482 1.72428547604366 1.44517173004117 1.30223669986535 1.18683140226834 1.01121663757535 0.840810909788259 0.683733271693109 0.641289626275986 0.427483271093487 0.367733123021385 0.243180116969796 0.216284282138318 0.132868635217870 0.0705244464795644]. As you can see, the Eigenvalue of the first PC is very different from the rest of the PCs, which I have not seen in previous studies, and it decreases with smaller intervals. What factors have caused the results to be like this? Is my data not suitable for principal component analysis? I also did the KMO test and the value was 0.91.