I have a problem with interpreting 2-way and 3-way interactioninteractions in lmer. My DV is height which is a continuous variable. All IVs are categorical variables. The first factor is animal, either rat or lion. The second factor is sex, either male or female. The third factor is color: red, white, or yellow. I get confused with interpreting the output:
According to Vasishth et alet al. (2007), the significance of fixed effects can be lookedjudged from the absolute t value; if it is higher than 2, then that factor is significant. In interpreting this output, I choose only factors which are significant. Could you pleasePlease check if my interpretations are correct: 1) coloryellow = The height of subjects are lower when they like yellow, and are higher if they like white. 2) rat:colorred = The effect of rat preference enhances the preference of red and these two promotes height of subjects. 3) rat:sexmale:coloryellow = The effect of rat preference, being male enhance the preference of yellow and subjects who like rat and yellow and are male have higher height.
= The height of subjects are lower when they like yellow, and are higher if they like white.rat:colorred
= The effect of rat preference enhances the preference of red, and these two promote height of subjects.rat:sexmale:coloryellow
= The effect of rat preference, being male, enhances the preference of yellow, and subjects who like rat and yellow and are male have higher height.
From these interpretations, I would like to ask: if I would like to know the effect of lion:sexfemale:colorredlion:sexfemale:colorred
, and rat:sexmale:colorredrat:sexmale:colorred
compared to rat:sexfemale:coloorredrat:sexfemale:coloorred
, do I have to run the new statistics?