I have some data showing the number of times individuals make GP appointments at the week and at the weekend, over a period of about 5 years. The data also show the number of times each individual does not attend (DNA).
I'm trying to calculate a risk ratio for DNA (i.e. is the risk lower for appointments during the week?). One approach I am using is to look at the paired risk ratios, as this will control for individual-level time-invariant confounders (though not other confounders).
The data look like this:
| ID | Week: apts | Week: DNA | Wknd: apts | Wknd: DNA |
| 1 | 1 | 0 | 3 | 1 |
| 2 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
| 3 | 2 | 1 | 4 | 0 |
| ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
I've generated some data in R and shown how I've attempted to calculate a paired risk ratio.
I calculated the paired risk ratio by logging the individual-level risk ratios, taking the mean, and then exponentiating.
I tried two approaches to calculating confidence intervals - firstly by bootstrapping and secondly using a meta analysis function.
I don't know if any of this is correct. How would you calculate the paired risk ratio and its confidence interval? I have not been able to find any published method. There are methods for paired binary or continuous data, but I can't find anything for this situation.
# generate example data
# we are interested in whether patients are more likely to miss (did not attend / DNA) their appointments at the weekend
# the data show that there is a lower proportion of DNAs during the week
# but this is confounded by an unobserved variable: whether the patient has dependents (e.g. children)
# those with dependents are overrepresented among weekend appointments, and also more likely to DNA
d_no_dependents <- data.frame(n.week = rpois(500, 4.5), dna.week = rpois(500, 1.5), n.wknd = rpois(500, 2), dna.wknd = rpois(500, 0.5))
d_dependents <- data.frame(n.week = rpois(250, 1.5), dna.week = rpois(250, 1.5), n.wknd = rpois(250, 8), dna.wknd = rpois(250, 8))
d <- rbind(d_no_dependents, d_dependents)
# adjust impossible cases
d[d$n.week == 0 | d$n.wknd == 0,] <- d[d$n.week == 0 | d$n.wknd == 0,] + 1
d$dna.week <- pmin(d$dna.week, d$n.week)
d$dna.wknd <- pmin(d$dna.wknd, d$n.wknd)
# crude risk ratio (unpaired RR)
library(epitools) # for function 'riskratio'
crude <- colSums(d)
crude <- matrix(crude, ncol = 2, byrow = T)
crude[,1] <- crude[,1] - crude[,2]
riskratio(crude, rev = 'rows')$measure # crude RR = 0.61 (95% CI 0.58-0.65)
# 'real' answer (if we could observe dependents)
#reshape data
dr <- d
dr$id <- seq_len(nrow(d))
dr$dependents <- rep(c('no', 'yes'), c(500, 250))
week <- data.frame(id = dr$id, n = dr$n.week, dna = dr$dna.week, dependents = dr$dependents, week = 'week')
wknd <- data.frame(id = dr$id, n = dr$n.wknd, dna = dr$dna.wknd, dependents = dr$dependents, week = 'wknd')
dr <- rbind(week, wknd)
dr$week <- factor(dr$week, c('wknd', 'week'))
# unadjusted model - should give same answer as crude risk ratio
m1 <- glm(dna ~ week + offset(log(n)), dr, family = 'poisson')
exp(cbind(m1$coef, confint(m1))) # RR = 0.61 (0.57-0.66)
# adjusted model
m2 <- glm(dna ~ week + dependents + offset(log(n)), dr, family = 'poisson')
exp(cbind(m2$coef, confint(m2))) # RR = 0.95 (0.88-1.04)
# or with mixed model clustering on patient
# confidence intervals are an approximation for speed
# results are the same
m3 <- glmer(dna ~ week + dependents + offset(log(n)) + (1 | id), dr, family = 'poisson')
exp(cbind(fixef(m3), confint(m3, method = 'Wald')[-1,])) # RR = 0.95 (0.88-1.04)
# paired risk ratio: point estimate
dcc <- d
dcc[d$dna.week == 0 | d$dna.wknd == 0,] <- d[d$dna.week == 0 | d$dna.wknd == 0,] + 0.5 # continuity correction - add to all
dcc$RR <- (dcc$dna.week / dcc$n.week) / (dcc$dna.wknd / dcc$n.wknd)
exp(mean(log(dcc$RR))) # mean of individual risk ratios = 0.90
# bootstrap confidence intervals
N <- nrow(dcc)
B <- 10000 # number of resamples
ind <- sample(seq_len(N), B * N, replace = T) # bootstrap indices
boot.rr <- dcc$RR[ind]
boot.rr <- matrix(boot.rr, ncol = B)
boot.rr <- exp(colMeans(log(boot.rr)))
quantile(boot.rr, probs = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975))
# RR = 0.90 (95% CI 0.84-0.97)
# meta-analysis approach
# different result to paired ratio, partly because it accounts for number of admissions per individual
# continuity correction is 0.5 by default
metabin(event.e = dcc$dna.week, n.e = dcc$n.week, event.c = dcc$dna.wknd, n.c = dcc$n.wknd)
# from random effect model: RR = 0.94 (0.89-0.98)