I was reading through this example of a regression model fit to beer sales data link. After the log transformations on the data (which make sense how they correct for the compoundingly larger variance on one end of the range vs the other) they comment near the bottom that the one thing remaining is a "linear trend in the errors" and some auto-correlation. They mention that adding a time index addresses this but I'm not sure I understood how. If sales tend to increase as the year progresses then it would make sense to add a time index to capture that but in here at the bottom it's more of an increase through the summer followed by a decrease - which is nonlinear - how did adding the time index fix both the uptrend and the downtrend in one go? Any references for this 'time index technique' I can further read about?
For reference the "final model" was:
$$\log(S_{18}) = b_0 + b_1 \log(P_{18}) + b_2 \log(P_{12}) + b_3 \log(P_{30}) + b_4 W + \epsilon$$
Where $S_{18}$ is sales of 18-packs of beer, and the $P$'s represent log prices of $12$,$18$, and $30$ packs (the $12$ and $30$ are substitution goods for cross price elasticity effects). Then the "reduction of the linear trend in errors" comes about by adding $W$ which is simply what week of the year $1-52$ we are in.