I am working with two sets of data and would like to determine if they come from the same distribution -- hence the two population KS-test. At this point, I have binned both sets of data, counting the number of entries in each bin, to create relative frequency histograms. These binned arrays look like:
dis1 = [0.0, 4.0, 9.0, 10.0, 23.0, 26.0, 43.0, 44.0, 38.0, 4.0]
dis2 = [116.0, 160.0, 209.0, 247.0, 415.0, 455.0, 382.0, 288.0, 161.0, 44.0].
When I perform the KS-test for 2 datasets, I get:
h = 1
p = 1.7012e-04
meaning that the null hypothesis was rejected and the samples do not come from the same distribution.
Now, if I normalize the binned data with respect to the maximum in each array, I have:
norm_dis1=[0.0, 0.090909090909090912, 0.20454545454545456, 0.22727272727272727, 0.52272727272727271, 0.59090909090909094, 0.97727272727272729, 1.0, 0.86363636363636365, 0.090909090909090912]
norm_dis2 = [0.25494505494505493, 0.35164835164835168, 0.45934065934065932, 0.54285714285714282, 0.91208791208791207, 1.0, 0.83956043956043958, 0.63296703296703294, 0.35384615384615387, 0.096703296703296707],
such that now the norm_dis arrays vary from [0,1]. The 2 population KS-test for these arrays gives:
h = 0
p = 0.3129,
such that the null hypothesis is accepted and the populations come from the same distribution.
These two results are seemingly discrepant. What is the statistical difference between normalizing and not normalizing? And which is the correct statistical analysis of these two populations?
Thanks for your help.