I am monitoring user behavior, while the user interacts with a form on a website. That form has multiple textfields from top to bottom and at the bottom it has two buttons: "cancel" and "save". My ultimate goal is to find out/predict, whether the user is going to click on "cancel" and abandon the task due to some issues in the interaction with the form. Once l know that the possibility of abandonment is high,I would like to offer help to the user before that happesn.
I track the user's mouse data. I record mouse position (coordinates) every time the mouse moves and the timestamp in miliseconds.I do the same with every mouse click. Also the length of textfield inputs is saved. My raw data looks like this:
Behavior type: coord: timestamp: elementID: inputlength:
1. mouse movement 444,800 1568673543172 Notrelevant Notrelevant
2. mouse movement 444,803 1568673543190 Notrelevant Notrelevant
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
30. mouse movement 400,100 1568673544000 Notrelevant Notrelevant
31. mouse click 400,100 1568673544070 Notrelevant Notrelevant
32. click on Notrelevant 1568673544070 Activity Notrelevant
33. mouse movement 410,100 1568673605000 Notrelevant Notrelevant
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
121. mouse movement 512,600 1568673605500 Notrelevant Notrelevant
122. click away Notrelevant 1568673605700 Activity 2
123. mouse click 512,600 1568673605700 Notrelevant Notrelevant
124. click on Notrelevant 1568673545700 Cancel Notrelevant
The above data tells me, in line 1: where and and when the cursor was at the beggining. In line 30 cursor stopped moving.Line 32: user clicked on an element.The last four lines indicate that the user has typed in a string of length 2 in this element, moved the cursor and clicked at the coordinate 512,600 which was on the "cancel" button.
I'm looking for anomalies in user behaviour, which could hint at a possible cancelling of the task. An anomaly could manifest itself in various ways: a super long or a super short input in a textfield or super long pauses after each mouse click on an element or even an unusual order at which the user goes through form, instead of top to bottom as intended. So the anomaly in behaviour could be anything. I know its very vague. I don't know how to describe it more concretely. And l dont know where to start. Was hoping someone could push me in the right direction.
Oh and this: Cases, where the user has clicked on "cancel" due to technical problems or lack of interest have been ruled out.