I need to implement an algorithm in R that finds the MLE for $\lambda$ and $k$ (the truncation level: only values larger than k are allowed) for a truncated Poisson distribution. I seem to not be able to find this anywhere on google, and I'm struggling to derive the MLE in the first place.
$\begingroup$ Sorry to be thick but $k$ (I assume to be the truncation level) is unknown? $\endgroup$– JimBCommented Oct 16, 2015 at 23:45
$\begingroup$ yes the truncation level is unknown $\endgroup$– KathiCommented Oct 16, 2015 at 23:53
$\begingroup$ What is your starting point to derive left-truncation log likelihood? Could you please clarify? $\endgroup$– user311529Commented Feb 16, 2021 at 12:12
1 Answer
Update: Now that the question is more specific, I've added the log likelihood and R code for left-trunction.
Right-truncation. For $Y_i$ distributed as a truncated Poisson with parameters $\lambda$ and truncation parameter $k$, the log likelihood of $n$ random samples is given by
$$\log(\lambda) \sum_{i=1}^n y_i -n \lambda -n \log \left({\sum_{j=0}^k {{e^{-\lambda}\lambda^j}\over{j!}}}\right) $$
This is maximized for any value of $\lambda$ when $\hat{k}=\max(y_1, y_2,\ldots, y_n)$ (which is the smallest value that $k$ can take). The maximum likelihood estimate of $\lambda$ requires an iterative procedure. Moore (1952, Biometrika) provides a good and easily calculated initial estimate of $\hat{\lambda}$:
$$\hat{\lambda}_0 ={{\sum_{i=1}^n y_i}\over{\sum_{i=1}^n I(y_i<\hat{k})}}$$
where $I(\cdot)$ is the indicator function taking on 1 if $y_i<\hat{k}$ and 0 otherwise. (So it's a mean adjusted upwards a bit.)
Some not so elegant R code follows:
# MLE estimation of a truncated Poisson with unknown truncation level
# Objective is to find estimates of lambda (underlying Poisson mean) and
# k (unknown trunction value).
# Generate some samples from a known truncated Poisson distribution
lambda <- 10 # Poisson mean
k <- 8 # Truncation level
n <- 100 # Sample size
y <- rpois(n*4,lambda) # Oversample to be more certain of getting n samples
# Keep just the first n legitimate observations
y <- y[y <= k][1:n]
# MLE for k and initial estimate for lambda
# From Moore (1952) Biometrika
# "The estimation of the Poisson parameter from a truncated distribution"
khat <- max(y)
lambda0 <- sum(y)/length(y[y < khat])
# Define log of the likelihood function
logL <- function(lambda,ysum,n,k) {
log(lambda)*ysum - n*lambda - n*ppois(k,lambda,log.p=TRUE)
# Find maximum likelihood estimate of lambda
trPoisson <- optim(lambda0, logL, ysum=sum(y), n=length(y), k=khat,
method="BFGS", control=list(fnscale=-1))
# Show results
cat("MLE of truncation value =",khat,"\n")
# MLE of truncation value = 8
cat("MLE of lambda =",trPoisson$par,"\n")
# MLE of lambda = 9.765054
Left-truncation. For left-truncation the log likelihood is the following:
$$\log(\lambda) \sum_{i=1}^n y_i -n \lambda -n \log \left(1-{\sum_{j=0}^{k-1} {{e^{-\lambda}\lambda^j}\over{j!}}}\right) $$
with the sum on the far right being zero when $k<0$. Below is some R code:
# MLE estimation of a left-truncated Poisson with unknown truncation level
# Objective is to find estimates of lambda (underlying Poisson mean) and
# k (unknown trunction value).
# Generate some samples from a known truncated Poisson distribution
lambda <- 10 # Poisson mean
k <- 7 # Truncation level
n <- 100 # Sample size
y <- rpois(n*30,lambda) # Oversample to be more certain of getting n samples
y <- y[y >= k][1:n]
# MLE for k and initial estimate for lambda
khat <- min(y)
lambda0 <- mean(y) # Probably any starting value greater than zero will work
# Define log of the likelihood function
logL <- function(lambda,ysum,n,k) {
log(lambda)*ysum - n*lambda - n*log(1-ppois(k-1,lambda))
# Find maximum likelihood estimate of lambda
trPoisson <- optim(lambda0, logL, ysum=sum(y), n=length(y), k=khat,
method="L-BFGS-B", lower=0, upper=Inf, control=list(fnscale=-1))
# Show results
cat("MLE of truncation value =",khat,"\n")
cat("MLE of lambda =",trPoisson$par,"\n")
$\begingroup$ khat <- max(y) lambda0 <- sum(y)/length(y[y < k]) the k here should be a khat no?Also: the random sample you create is this theoretically allowed? You basically just sample from a poisson and kick oyt the values not allowed. How can I proof that this is correct? $\endgroup$– KathiCommented Oct 17, 2015 at 11:22
$\begingroup$ If I define $k$ to be the lower bound truncation level (i.e. only values above $k$ are allowed, then using khat as defined above is not very useful. Would I use khat = min{y1,y2,..yn} then? $\endgroup$– KathiCommented Oct 17, 2015 at 11:39
$\begingroup$ Do you want truncation from the left or the right? Do you want truncation or censoring? $\endgroup$– JimBCommented Oct 17, 2015 at 15:13
$\begingroup$ I want that if k = 5 for instance only values larger than 5 i.e 6,7,8,9... (i.e. only values to the right)are acceptable. So a lower truncation. I am not aware what censoring is... $\endgroup$– KathiCommented Oct 17, 2015 at 15:22
$\begingroup$ You are correct. The R code using k to assign a value to lambda0 should be khat. I'll fix that. $\endgroup$– JimBCommented Oct 17, 2015 at 15:26