I am assessing the presence or absence of a number of developmental milestones in mice in their first $21$ days of life. Each day, from the day they are born until they have $21$ days, I test if pups have or not specific developmental milestone. This analysis involves $2$ groups, a control and an experimental.
I want to test whether the experimental group are delayed in accomplishing these milestones compared to controls. For each test, I end up with a range of days which the presence was observed. For controls, my $n=17$, for experimental my $n=15$. So, for a particular test (for example, cliff aversion), I have observed the presence as early as day $2$ and latest as day $9$. Not sure if a Chi-square would be appropriate and if so, do I have to do a chi-square test for each day comparing both groups? Could I also perform any type of "survival" analysis that allows me to estimate the probability (what day) for each group to have the presence of a specific milestone?