The null hypothesis of the F-test following xtreg, fe
is that in your model
$$y_{it} = X'_{it}\beta + u_i + e_{it}$$
the observed and unobserved fixed effects $u_i$ are equal to zero, i.e. they are equal across all units. Rejecting this hypothesis means that the fixed effects are non-zero. Something similar is tested when you apply the LM-test by Breusch and Pagan after the random effects regression where the null hypothesis is that $\text{Var}(u_i) = 0$.
In your case, a significant F-test means that the fixed effects are non-zero and therefore pooled OLS and random effects will be biased if $\text{Cov}(X_{it},u_i)\neq 0$. The latter condition is something that the F-test does not tell you. For this purpose you need the Hausman test because it might be that the fixed effects are non-zero but that they are yet uncorrelated with your time-varying explanatory variables, though this is a rare case in practice as far as I know.
If you apply all tests you should typically arrive at similar conclusions. Here is a reproducible example to see it for yourself:
webuse nlswork.dta
xtset idcode year
// Fixed effects regression
xtreg ln_wage age hours i.year, fe
est store fe
// Pooled OLS regression
reg ln_wage age hours i.year
est store pols
// Hausman test comparing FE and pooled OLS
hausman fe pols, sigmamore
// Random effects regression with LM test
xtreg ln_wage age hours i.year, re
est store re
// Hausman test comparing FE and RE
hausman fe re, sigmamore
You should find that the F-test rejects equal fixed effects across units, the LM test rejects a zero variance of the fixed effects, and that the Hausman test prefers the fixed effects regression to both pooled OLS and the random effects regression.