I have been reading lecture slides about Dirichlet Process.
In page 22, there is a picture about the following finite mixture model.
$$\phi _{k}\sim H\\ \pi \sim Dirichlet(\alpha /K,\dots,\alpha /K)\\ Z_{i}\rvert\pi \sim Discrete(\pi )\\ x_{i}\rvert\phi _{z_{i}}\sim F(\cdot \vert \phi _{z_{i}})$$
I know the meaning of the following variables (Please correct me if I were wrong):
$N:$ Number of parameters/observations
$K:$ Number of mixture models
$\alpha:$ Dirichlet parameter
$\pi:$ Probability distribution on N variables
$x_{i}$ observed variables or data that we want to model
$H:$ Hyper-parameters, prior distribution about the K mixture models
$\phi _{k}:$ Parameters of the k-th model
$F(\cdot \vert \phi _{z_{i}})$:Individual mixture models
My questions are:
What does $z_{i}$ mean and what is the relation with $\pi$ and $x_{i}$?
What does $Z_{i}\rvert\pi \sim Discrete(\pi )$ mean?
What does $x_{i}\rvert\phi _{z_{i}}\sim F(\cdot \vert \phi _{z_{i}})$ mean?