(Sorry that I've previously formulated the question in a wrong way, which confused everyone including myself. This is a better version of the question. Thanks!) Here's another order statistics question that I wish to ask.
Consider $n$ random variables $x_1, x_2,\cdots x_n\overset{iid}{\sim} D$. Where $D$ is some unimodal on 0, symmetric, continuous distribution with a finite variance (P.S. This condition might be overly restrictive, suggestions on loosening it would be greatly appreciated! ). The PDF for nth order statistics is
I'm interested in the properties of the following "expected density" (I'm not sure there's a better way to put it) of the nth order PDF:
$\displaystyle\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty}(n-1)F_{D}(x)^{n-2}f_{D}(x)\times f_{D}(x)\:dx$,
which simplifies to
What I want to show is that this expression decreases as $n$ increases.
What I have gotten so far:
By an integration by parts trick, we can show that the above can be expressed as:
Intuitively, I can see that as $-f^{\prime}_{D}(x)$ is positive on $x>0$ and negative on $x<0$. And as $n$ increases $F^n_{D}(.)$ shifts more mass to extreme values where $f^{\prime}_{D}(x)$ is very close to 0. So, eventually the whole integral will become smaller as $n$ increases. But I'm not sure how to proceed this argument formally. Any help will be greatly appreciated!