I am conducting a two-sample test (1-way ANOVA with 2 treatments), and the goal is to estimate the ratio of cell means assuming that the data are lognormal. A simple approach is to log the response and fit a model
$\log Y = b_0 + b_1 * X$
and then estimate the ratio as
$R = e^{b_1}$
However, that gives the ratio of geometric cell means rather than arithmetic cell means.
I assumed that if I fit a "proper" lognormal model using either gamlss
in SAS, I will get the ratio of arithmetic means, but for some reason both procedures generate the same slope as the $\log Y$ regression.
This is odd because when I use this approach with Poisson or Negative Binomial regression, I do get the ratio of arithmetic means. What am I missing?
I think I identified the source of confusion, but I don't have an explanation for it. A lognormal setup with the identity link function is:
$\log Y_1 \sim N(b_0, \sigma^2)$
$\log Y_2 \sim N(b_0 + b_1, \sigma^2)$
which implies
$\frac{E[Y_2]}{E[Y_1]} = \frac{e^{b_0 + b_1 +\sigma^2/2}}{e^{b_0 + \sigma^2/2}} = e^{b_1}$
To me, it means that $e^{b_1}$ should have a point estimate equal to the ratio of arithmetic means for the original response.
On the other hand,
$E[\log Y_1] = b_0$
$E[\log Y_2] = b_0 + b_1$
$b_0$ is estimated as arithmetic mean of $\log Y_1$, $b_0 + b_1$ is estimated as arithmetic mean of $\log Y_2$. Hence, $e^{b_1}$ should have a point estimate equal to the ratio of geometric means for the original response, and it does, given the output from those two packages. Where did I make a mistake?