Summary: Is there any statistical theory to support the use of the $t$-distribution (with degrees of freedom based on the residual deviance) for tests of logistic regression coefficients, rather than the standard normal distribution?
Some time ago I discovered that when fitting a logistic regression model in SAS PROC GLIMMIX, under the default settings, the logistic regression coefficients are tested using a $t$ distribution rather than the standard normal distribution.$^1$ That is, GLIMMIX reports a column with the ratio $\hat{\beta}_1/\sqrt{\text{var}(\hat{\beta}_1)}$ (which I will call $z$ in the rest of this question), but also reports a "degrees of freedom" column, as well as a $p$-value based on assuming a $t$ distribution for $z$ with degrees of freedom based on the residual deviance -- that is, degrees of freedom = total number of observations minus number of parameters. At the bottom of this question I provide some code and output in R and SAS for demonstration and comparison.$^2$
This confused me, since I thought that for generalized linear models such as logistic regression, there was no statistical theory to support the use of the $t$-distribution in this case. Instead I thought what we knew about this case was that
- $z$ is "approximately" normally distributed;
- this approximation might be poor for small sample sizes;
- nevertheless it cannot be assumed that $z$ has a $t$ distribution like we can assume in the case of normal regression.
Now, on an intuitive level, it does seem reasonable to me that if $z$ is approximately normally distributed, it might in fact have some distribution that is basically "$t$-like", even if it is not exactly $t$. So the use of the $t$ distribution here does not seem crazy. But what I want to know is the following:
- Is there in fact statistical theory showing that $z$ really does follow a $t$ distribution in the case of logistic regression and/or other generalized linear models?
- If there is no such theory, are there at least papers out there showing that assuming a $t$ distribution in this way works as well as, or maybe even better than, assuming a normal distribution?
More generally, is there any actual support for what GLIMMIX is doing here other than the intuition that it is probably basically sensible?
R code:
summary(glm(y ~ x, data=dat, family=binomial))
R output:
glm(formula = y ~ x, family = binomial, data = dat)
Deviance Residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-1.352 -1.243 1.025 1.068 1.156
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 0.22800 0.06725 3.390 0.000698 ***
x -0.17966 0.10841 -1.657 0.097462 .
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
Null deviance: 1235.6 on 899 degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 1232.9 on 898 degrees of freedom
AIC: 1236.9
Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4
SAS code:
proc glimmix data=logitDat;
model y(event='1') = x / dist=binomial solution;
SAS output (edited/abbreviated):
The GLIMMIX Procedure
Fit Statistics
-2 Log Likelihood 1232.87
AIC (smaller is better) 1236.87
AICC (smaller is better) 1236.88
BIC (smaller is better) 1246.47
CAIC (smaller is better) 1248.47
HQIC (smaller is better) 1240.54
Pearson Chi-Square 900.08
Pearson Chi-Square / DF 1.00
Parameter Estimates
Effect Estimate Error DF t Value Pr > |t|
Intercept 0.2280 0.06725 898 3.39 0.0007
x -0.1797 0.1084 898 -1.66 0.0978
$^1$Actually I first noticed this about mixed-effects logistic regression models in PROC GLIMMIX, and later discovered that GLIMMIX also does this with "vanilla" logistic regression.
$^2$I do understand that in the example shown below, with 900 observations, the distinction here probably makes no practical difference. That is not really my point. This is just data that I quickly made up and chose 900 because it is a handsome number. However I do wonder a little about the practical differences with small sample sizes, e.g. $n$ < 30.
in SAS produces the usual wald-type tests based on the $z$-score. I wonder what prompted the change in the newer function (byproduct of generalization?). $\endgroup$