I am trying to look at whether 2 variables (one dichotomous categorical and one continuous) predict the occurrence of a dichotomous categorical dependent variable.
dependent variable is LENIpos - 0 = no event, 1 = event
predictor variables are Hip.Prox.Femur - 0 = no hip fracture, 1 = hip fracture
and age (continuous)
Both predictor variables have significant p values in separate chi square test and Mann Whitney U test respectively.
When I run a logistic regression glm(LENIpos ~ age + Hip.Prox.Femur, family = "binomial)
, the variables come out as not significant. (1)
However, when I run the logistic regression with interactions glm(LENIpos ~ age * Hip.Prox.Femur...)
(2), they are no both significant. How is this to be interpreted?
Example R outputs:
Call: glm(formula = LENIpos ~ age + Hip.Prox.Fem, family = "binomial",
data = dvt)
Deviance Residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-0.9346 -0.7826 -0.4952 -0.3374 2.1897
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -3.46888 1.00693 -3.445 0.000571 ***
age 0.02122 0.01519 1.397 0.162535
Hip.Prox.Femhip fracture 0.72410 0.57790 1.253 0.210212
(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
Null deviance: 145.23 on 151 degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 135.48 on 149 degrees of freedom
AIC: 141.48
Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 5
glm(formula = LENIpos ~ age * Hip.Prox.Fem, family = "binomial",
data = dvt)
Deviance Residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-1.0364 -0.7815 -0.5373 -0.1761 2.3443
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -5.89984 1.98289 -2.975 0.00293 **
age 0.05851 0.02818 2.076 0.03788 *
Hip.Prox.Femhip fracture 5.04990 2.46269 2.051 0.04031 *
age:Hip.Prox.Femhip fracture -0.06058 0.03339 -1.814 0.06965 .
(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
Null deviance: 145.23 on 151 degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 131.82 on 148 degrees of freedom
AIC: 139.82
Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 6