I have an unbalanced linear mixed effects model with three fixed factors of various levels and one random factor for my repeated measures data (for details see here).
Thanks to your help I managed to do post-hoc tests on the significant interaction terms using lsm
from the lsmeans package. However, I need to report the F statistic (F value and degrees of freedom) for these post-hoc tests and wonder how???
Here is what I do:
Model comparison using
resulting into the final modelmodel_final
, which reads:sc ~ time + cond + place + time:cond + cond:place + (1|ID), data)
.I analyze the significant interaction time:cond using
:posthoc_1 <- glht(model_final, lsm(pairwise ~ cond|time)
and get sth like below for each level of time
, here is the example for time1
> Note: df set to 268
> $`time = time1`
> Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
> Fit: lme4::lmer(formula = sc ~ time + cond + place + time:cond + cond:place + (1|ID), data)
> Linear Hypotheses:
> Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
> cond1 - cond2 == 0 3.1867 0.6797 4.688 4.39e-06 ***
This gives me t-values for the various levels of the interaction terms and their corresponding p-value, but no F stats!
My questions:
- Is there any way of obtaining the F stats? (F value and degree of freedom)
- Or am I stuck with the t-values? If so, is t(0.095;268) = 4.588, p < 0.001 reporting the correct degrees of freedom?