You can use the identity
I(u,\,v) := \int_0^\infty e^{-u y^2 - v /y^2 } \text{d}y =
\frac{\sqrt{\pi}}{2 \sqrt{u}}\, e^{-2 \sqrt{uv}} \qquad (u >0, \, v>0).
which relates (after the change of variable $t:=y^2$) to the Laplace
transform of the function $t \mapsto t^{-1/2} e^{-v / t}$ and its
value at $s = u$, see N.N. Lebedev Special functions and their
footnote of p. 118. The Laplace transform
can be found in the famous book by
Abramowitz and Stegun as formula (29.3.84) p. 1026.
p(x) = \int_0^\infty p(x \vert y) \, p(y)\,\text{d}y =
\int_0^\infty \frac{1}{y \sqrt{2 \pi}}\, e^{-(x-\mu)^2/(2y^2)}
\times \frac{y}{b^2} \, e^{-y^2/(2b^2)} \,\text{d}y
and thus $p(x) = I(u,\,v)/(b^2 \sqrt{2 \pi})$ where $I(u,\,v)$ is the
integral above for $u:= 1/(2b^2)$ and $v:= (x - \mu)^2/2$. Using the
value of $I(u,\,v)$ and rearranging, we find $p(x) = \exp\{-|x -
\mu|/b\} / (2b)$ as you claimed. I do not know how the Laplace transform
was computed, nor if a simpler derivation exists.