I'm hoping someone can help straighten out a point of confusion for me. Say I want to test whether 2 sets of regression coefficients are significantly different from each other, with the following set up:
- $y_i = \alpha + \beta x_i + \epsilon_i$, with 5 independent variables.
- 2 groups, with roughly equal sizes $n_1, n_2$ (though this may vary)
- Thousands of similar regression will be done simultaneously, so some kind of multiple hypothesis correction has to be done.
One approach that was suggested to me is to use a Z-test:
$Z = \frac{b_1 - b_2}{\sqrt(SEb_1^2 + SEb_2^2)}$
Another I've seen suggested on this board is to introduce a dummy variable for grouping and rewrite the model as:
$y_i = \alpha + \beta x_i + \delta(x_ig_i) + \epsilon_i$, where $g$ is the grouping variable, coded as 0, 1.
My question is, how are these two approaches different (e.g. different assumptions made, flexibility)? Is one more appropriate than the other? I suspect this is pretty basic, but any clarification would be greatly appreciated.