I am a biostatistician working in an applied field and I am responsible for writing the statistics methods section for the papers I collaborate on. In reading a lot of academic papers I've come across plenty of examples of badly written stats sections (mostly they are boring, uninformative, and lack precision, detail, and understanding of the methodology used).
Regardless of the subject matter and sophistication of the statistical methods used, what are some good examples of well written statistics sections in applied research articles?
How to define "well written" is subjective, but I would describe a statistics section as well written if it is lucid, gives (or seems to give) a full picture of how the analysis was conducted, addresses the assumptions made during the analysis, and incorporates the statistical process into the flow of the paper.
Here are some examples of papers that I think have good statistics sections:
Others? Thoughts about what a "good" statistics section should include are also very welcome.