I'm using a cox proportional hazard model in R to see if a treatment variable (treatment or placebo) has effect on the survivaltime of patients. I intend to test this for each of my grouping variables (e.g. Age <60 or Age > 60).
I could do this by making two different subgroups of my dataset, as follows:
c.example1 <- coxph(Surv(time, status)~factor(treatment), data=lung[ lung$age.ind==0 ,])
c.example2 <- coxph(Surv(time, status)~factor(treatment), data=lung[ lung$age.ind==1 ,])
Each cox model gives me a P value telling me if there is a significant treatment effect. So far so good.
Now someone working with me on this problem suggested to use an interaction term to test the same thing. He feels this also gives answer to the same question, but requires less work (instead of two models, we build one):
c2.2 <- coxph(s ~ age + treatment + age:treatment, data=lung)
His idea is that the p value for our interaction term now tells us that if there is a significant effect for treatment in both subgroups. I thought it would only give information if the effect of age on treatment is different in the two subgroups. Not test is the effect of treatment is significant.
Is his interaction term approach the right one? If not, what is a good approach (besides coding two seperate models)?