I have something that seems to me an incongruence in ANOVA post hoc tests, and I would like to have an explanation. Basically I performed an ANOVA at the global level on my data and then I performed a post hoc test using both LSD and Tukey's HSD procedure. First I did the ANOVA on the whole data set and post hoc tests showed some pairs significantly different. Afterwards I subdivided the data set considering only some stimuli and I performed the post hoc test on them. In this second case some of the pairs that were non-significant in the "global" post hoc test become significant in the subset case. How does this happen?
More in detail I show you what I did in R.
fit5<- lm(Response ~ Stimulus, data=scrd)
comparison <- LSD.test(scrd$Response, scrd$Stimulus, df,
MSerror, group=FALSE, p.adj="bonferroni")
LSD t Test for scrd$Response
P value adjustment method: bonferroni
Mean Square Error: 4.292088
scrd$Stimulus, means and individual ( 95 %) CI
scrd.Response std.err replication LCL UCL
dry_leaves_dry_leaves 6.833333 0.7768754 12 5.306018 8.360649
dry_leaves_gravel 6.750000 0.5383054 12 5.691706 7.808294
dry_leaves_metal 3.250000 0.5093817 12 2.248570 4.251430
dry_leaves_sand 6.583333 0.5701984 12 5.462339 7.704328
alpha: 0.05 ; Df Error: 396
Critical Value of t: 3.987986
Comparison between treatments means
Difference pvalue sig LCL UCL
dry_leaves_dry_leaves - dry_leaves_gravel 0.08333333 1.000000 -3.28963527 3.456302
dry_leaves_dry_leaves - dry_leaves_metal 3.58333333 0.017792 * 0.21036473 6.956302
dry_leaves_dry_leaves - dry_leaves_sand 0.25000000 1.000000 -3.12296860 3.622969
dry_leaves_dry_leaves - dry_leaves_snow 1.41666667 1.000000 -1.95630194 4.789635
dry_leaves_dry_leaves - dry_leaves_wood 1.83333333 1.000000 -1.53963527 5.206302
dry_leaves_dry_leaves - gravel_dry_leaves 0.58333333 1.000000 -2.78963527 3.956302
dry_leaves_dry_leaves - gravel_gravel 0.41666667 1.000000 -2.95630194 3.789635
dry_leaves_dry_leaves - gravel_metal 3.66666667 0.011649 * 0.29369806 7.039635
wood_sand - wood_snow 1.08333333 1.000000 -2.28963527 4.456302
wood_wood - wood_sand 3.00000000 0.274864 -0.37296860 6.372969
wood_wood - wood_snow 4.08333333 0.001244 ** 0.71036473 7.456302
Now I extract from the whole dataset a subdataset and I perform the ANOVA and post-hoc test on it:
# Row extraction
audio_wood <- subset(scrd, Audio == "wood")
fit5_wood<- lm(Response ~ Stimulus, data=audio_wood)
> anova(fit5_wood)
Analysis of Variance Table
Response: Response
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
Stimulus 5 236.24 47.247 12.604 1.333e-08 ***
Residuals 66 247.42 3.749
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Here I do the post hoc test
comparison <- LSD.test(audio_wood$Response, audio_wood$Stimulus, df,
MSerror, group=FALSE, p.adj="bonferroni")
LSD t Test for audio_wood$Response
P value adjustment method: bonferroni
Mean Square Error: 3.748737
audio_wood$Stimulus, means and individual ( 95 %) CI
audio_wood.Response std.err replication LCL UCL
wood_dry_leaves 3.916667 0.5143153 12 2.889803 4.943530
wood_gravel 2.916667 0.3361622 12 2.245497 3.587836
wood_metal 7.333333 0.4143877 12 6.505982 8.160685
wood_sand 4.000000 0.7487363 12 2.505100 5.494900
wood_snow 2.916667 0.7329717 12 1.453242 4.380092
wood_wood 7.000000 0.4767313 12 6.048175 7.951825
alpha: 0.05 ; Df Error: 66
Critical Value of t: 3.045792
Comparison between treatments means
Difference pvalue sig LCL UCL
wood_dry_leaves - wood_gravel 1.00000000 1.000000 -1.4075050 3.407505
wood_metal - wood_dry_leaves 3.41666667 0.000798 *** 1.0091617 5.824172
wood_sand - wood_dry_leaves 0.08333333 1.000000 -2.3241716 2.490838
wood_dry_leaves - wood_snow 1.00000000 1.000000 -1.4075050 3.407505
wood_wood - wood_dry_leaves 3.08333333 0.003409 ** 0.6758284 5.490838
wood_metal - wood_gravel 4.41666667 0.000007 *** 2.0091617 6.824172
wood_sand - wood_gravel 1.08333333 1.000000 -1.3241716 3.490838
wood_gravel - wood_snow 0.00000000 1.000000 -2.4075050 2.407505
wood_wood - wood_gravel 4.08333333 0.000036 *** 1.6758284 6.490838
wood_metal - wood_sand 3.33333333 0.001155 ** 0.9258284 5.740838
wood_metal - wood_snow 4.41666667 0.000007 *** 2.0091617 6.824172
wood_metal - wood_wood 0.33333333 1.000000 -2.0741716 2.740838
wood_sand - wood_snow 1.08333333 1.000000 -1.3241716 3.490838
wood_wood - wood_sand 3.00000000 0.004843 ** 0.5924950 5.407505
wood_wood - wood_snow 4.08333333 0.000036 *** 1.6758284 6.490838
As you can notice, the pair wood_wood - wood_sand which was not significant in the previous global pst hoc test, now is significant.
Which of the two analysis I have to believe? And why?