I posted this earlier in the week then retracted the question when I found a good source, not wanting to waste people's time. I haven't made much progress I'm afraid. In trying to be a good citizen here I will make the problem as clear as possible. I suspect there will be few takers.
I have a dataframe in R I wish to analyse in BUGS or R. It is in long format. It consists of multiple observations on 120 individuals, with a total of 885 rows. I am examining the occurrence of a categorical outcome - but that's not really relevant here. The question is about something deeper.
The model I have been using up to here is
mymodel<-gee(Category ~ Predictor 1 + Predictor 2..family=binomial(link="logit"),
with a marginal model essentially accounting for the clustering of patients. I then examined
mymodel<-gee(Category ~ Predictor 1 + Predictor 2.. , family=binomial(link="logit"),
corstr = "AR-M",
data=mydata, id=Person)
in order to account for the time ordering of the observations on the individual people.
This didn't change much.
Then I tried to model them using the following set of MCMCPack commands:
mymodel<-MCMCglmm(category~ Predictor1 + Predictor2..,
data=mydata, family=binomial(link="logit"))
An examination of the output was thrilling, showing statistical significance for many predictors. I hailed myself as a newly converted bayesian, until I realised I hadn't accounted for repeated measures within patients.
I understand that I have to account for that. I understand that this may mean fitting a hyperprior for each individual - is that right? What form will this take in BUGS?
Here's a basic log reg model: (kudos to Kruschke, J., Indiana)
model {
for( i in 1 : nData ) {
y[i] ~ dbern( mu[i] )
mu[i] <- 1/(1+exp(-( b0 + inprod( b[] , x[i,] ))))
b0 ~ dnorm( 0 , 1.0E-12 )
for ( j in 1 : nPredictors ) {
b[j] ~ dnorm( 0 , 1.0E-12 )
However, no hyperprior here for the individual. Here's my best attempt so far at a within-individual design, accounting for repeated measures within people:
Here's Jackman's model for JAGS
1 model{
2 ## loop over data for likelihood
3 for(i in 1:n){
4 y[i] ~ dbern( mu[i] )
mu[i] <- 1/(1+exp(-( b0 + inprod( b[] , x[i,] ))))
6 }
7 sigma ˜ dunif(0,20) ## prior on standard deviation
8 tau <- pow(sigma,-2) ## convert to precision
10 ## hierarchical model for each state’s intercept & slope
11 for(p in 1:50){
12 beta[p,1:2] ˜ dmnorm(mu[1:2],Tau[,]) ## bivariate normal
13 }
15 ## means, hyper-parameters
16 for(q in 1:2){
17 mu[q] ˜ dnorm(0,.0016)
Here's my bastard-child model for BUGS
1 model{
2 ## loop over data for likelihood
3 for(i in 1:n){
4 mu.y[i] <- alpha + beta[s[i],1] + beta[s[i],2]*(j[i]-jbar)
5 demVote[i] ˜ dnorm(mu.y[i],tau)
6 }
7 sigma ˜ dunif(0,20) ## prior on standard deviation
8 tau <- pow(sigma,-2) ## convert to precision
10 ## hierarchical model for each state’s intercept & slope
11 for(p in 1:120){
12 beta[p,1:2] ˜ dmnorm(mu[1:2],Tau[,]) ## bivariate normal
13 }
15 ## means, hyper-parameters
16 for(q in 1:2){
17 mu[q] ˜ dnorm(0,.0016)
Can somebody let me know if I'm heading in the right direction. My understanding of this is growing, but slowly. Please be gentle. I'm a medic, not a statistic! I have used R quite a bit, but I'm new to BUGS, and new to Bayes.