I used the PSCL package to run a zero-inflated negative binomial model on some count data I have.
This package gives the following output:
for the zero part of the model:
Estimate Std_Error Z Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 0.1198 0.8619 0.139 0.8895
EurAdmix[notna] 1.7911 1.0239 1.7493 0.0802
Sex[notna] 0.6769 0.3358 2.016 0.0438
MedUse[notna] -0.5436 0.4384 -1.2401 0.2149
sqrt(DisDurMonths[notna]) -0.2033 0.0333 -6.1059 0
Group[notna] 0.1198 0.2941 0.4073 0.6838
BMI[notna] -0.0058 0.0118 -0.4948 0.6208
Marker_vh_1_1108138_A -0.1676 0.1659 -1.0105 0.3123
for the count part of the model:
Estimate Std_Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 0.0449 0.3736 0.1201 0.9044
EurAdmix[notna] -0.2264 0.3673 -0.6163 0.5377
Sex[notna] 0.0745 0.1085 0.6869 0.4921
MedUse[notna] 0.1596 0.2721 0.5868 0.5573
sqrt(DisDurMonths[notna]) 0.0528 0.009 5.8955 0
Group[notna] 0.3628 0.1388 2.6144 0.0089
BMI[notna] -9e-04 0.0052 -0.1723 0.8632
Marker_vh_1_1108138_A -0.0011 0.0601 -0.0175 0.986
Log(theta) 1.5946 0.2089 7.6337 0
Based on these data, I am trying to calculate the OR for the zero part of the model for Marker_vh_1_1108138_A, and the IRR for the count model for Marker_vh_1_1108138_A.
Based on various sources and slides like this one I have started to piece together how to calculate an IRR, however, I have a lot of uncertainties as to whether I am doing this correctly. Specifically, I want to ask:
For the above output, would IRR = e^-0.0011 for Marker_vh_1_1108138_A?
Or do I need to include the intercept IRR= e^(-0.0011 + 0.0449)?
Or do I need to include any of the other Betas in order to calculate the IRR for just Marker_vh_1_1108138_A?
If the possible values for Marker_vh_1_1108138_A are 0,1, and 2, does this mean that the rate of Y is e^-0.0011 different per 1 unit increase in the number of Marker_vh_1_1108138_A?
Are the calculations similar for the OR in such a model?