I am having an issue using neural networks to predict time series. Some predicted data fits with the expected data, as bellow: (In black the real time series and in blue the output of my neural network)
Time serie: Australia energy demand.
But with the same code, with other time series, the predicted data does not fits with the expected data, and has a delay of one unit, as bellow:
Time serie: Walmart Stock price. Time serie: Dollar libra exchange.
I found some articles about some variations of neural networks and at the results section shows the plot with the delay like my results, as bellow:
Time serie: Dollar libra exchange. (Article link: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877050915015793)
Anyone knows if this is a common behavior or can be something wrong with my code ? I am having this issue about three months ago, and since there I am trying to figure out some bug in my code but is all right.
Thanks and I appreciate any tip.