I'm trying to reproduce an existing prediction algorithm, handed down by a retired researcher. The first step is to fit some observed data to a Weibull distribution, to obtain a shape and scale which will be used for predicting future values. I'm using R to do this. Here's an example of my code:
f<-fitdistr(x, 'weibull')
This works fine unless there are any zeroes in the input array, which causes it to fail completely. The same thing happens in SAS. As I understand it, this is because one of the steps in calculating the Weibull distribution is taking the natural log, which is undefined for 0. Is there a reasonable way to work around this?
The best I've found so far is to add 1 to all of my input values, fit the curve, and then subtract one from my predicted values ("shift" the curve up and then back down by 1). This fits the previously predicted data fairly well, but seems like it must be a wrong way of doing so.
edit: The values in the input array are observed, real-world data (the number of occurrences of something) for a range of years. So in some years the number of occurrences was zero. Whether it's the best way or not (I agree that it may not be), the original algorithm author claims to have used the Weibull distribution, and I have to try to replicate their process.