Some more information is needed to figure out the best solution here, so I'm simply answering a number of scenarios with example R
Modeling the outcome
If the outcome is binary, use family = binomial()
. If it is count data, use family = poisson()
since it's a fixed time interval. You could also consider aggregating binary data to counts and then use Poisson.
I'll just assume binomial from here and on.
Modeling a fixed hospital:time interaction
If you have few hospitals (say, less than five), there will be very little information to infer the random effects hyperparameters. In that case, they may just be modeled as fixed:
fit_full = glm(status ~ time * hospital, data = df, family = binomial())
Then the resulting inference on the time:hospital
interaction could be of interest.
Modeling random hospital:time interaction
One of the only practical implications of modeling a term as random is that it applies shrinkage. That is, data points far from the model's prediction are regarded as partially random fluctuations with the true value being closer to the mean. Read more here.
Using the same model as above, but allowing for random slopes for each hospital:
fit_full = lme4::glmer(status ~ time + (1 + time|hospital), family = binomial())
To test the random slope, you can do a Likelihood Ratio Test (LRT) by comparing to a (nested) model that does not contain this term:
fit_null = lme4::glmer(status ~ time + (1|hospital), family = binomial())
summary(anova(fit_full, fit_null))
Personally, I have a preference for Bayesian inference and you could use the brms
package which is much like glmer
. As a quick fix, you can also compute a BIC-based Bayes Factor (cf. Wagenmakers et al. (2007):
exp((BIC(fit_full) - BIC(fit_null))/2)
Modeling time series
I know of no other packages that can do the above and model some autocorrelation than brms
(and perhaps nlmer::lme
). brms
may take hours to fit, though. For AR(1), it would be something like:
fit = brms::brm(status ~ time + (1 + time|hospital), data = df, family = bernoulli(), autocor = cor_ar(~1, p = 1))
If your dates only come in integers (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017), then there is may be too little information to estimate autoregressive coefficient(s) and you may consider leaving it out. You do have a lot of data, so this may now be necessary. Your time variable would need a finer resolution for an autoregressive model to be identifiable.
. I did bootstrapping to compute confidence intervals for the random effects and these confidence overlapped to a very high degree from year to year, with no apparent trend, from which I concluded there was no change over the period. The fixed effects were also very stable from year to year. $\endgroup$