I have a multifactor model (with 7 factors currently) and 754018 observations. In order to check for multicollinearity issues as the model grows I wrote an R script to compute a correlation matrix from the factors (so with 7 factors it's a 7x7 matrix). I then apply the function:
$$\frac{r}{(1-r^2) / (N-2)}$$
where $N = 754018$ and $r$ is the sample correlation in order to get a test statistic according to http://faculty.vassar.edu/lowry/ch4apx.html.
Then I get a corresponding p-value, and display those factor pairs (and their sample correlation) whose correlation p-value is less than $0.05$.
After running this I get 12 pairs displayed! With 7 factors the total number of possible pairs is 21 so this is pretty bad. Out of these 12, however, only 4 of them have correlations above .1 and the rest have sample correlations of around .02 or .01...from a practical standpoint should I worry about any nonzero correlation with very small pvalue (as in all 12 pairs) or only those with small pvalue AND high sample correlation? As in maybe only those 4? If the latter, are there empirical ways of choosing a threshold sample correlation?