Morey et al (2015) argue that confidence intervals are misleading and there are multiple bias related to understanding of them. Among others, they describe the precision fallacy as following:
The Precision fallacy
The width of a confidence interval indicates the precision of our knowledge about the parameter. Narrow confidence intervals show precise knowledge, while wide confidence errors show imprecise knowledge.There is no necessary connection between the precision of an estimate and the size of a confidence interval. One way to see this is to imagine two researchers — a senior researcher and a PhD student — are analyzing data of $50$ participants from an experiment. As an exercise for the PhD student's benefit, the senior researcher decides to randomly divide the participants into two sets of $25$ so that they can each separately analyze half the data set. In a subsequent meeting, the two share with one another their Student's $t$ confidence intervals for the mean. The PhD student's $95\%$ CI is $52 \pm 2$, and the senior researcher's $95\%$ CI is $53 \pm 4$.
The senior researcher notes that their results are broadly consistent, and that they could use the equally-weighted mean of their two respective point estimates, $52.5$, as an overall estimate of the true mean.
The PhD student, however, argues that their two means should not be evenly weighted: she notes that her CI is half as wide and argues that her estimate is more precise and should thus be weighted more heavily. Her advisor notes that this cannot be correct, because the estimate from unevenly weighting the two means would be different from the estimate from analyzing the complete data set, which must be $52.5$. The PhD student's mistake is assuming that CIs directly indicate post-data precision.
The example above seems to be misleading. If we randomly divide a sample in half, into two samples, then we would expect both sample means and standard errors to be close. In such case there should not be any difference between using weighted mean (e.g. weighted by inverse errors) and using simple arithmetic mean. However if the estimates differ and errors in one of the samples is noticeably larger, this could suggest "issues" with such sample.
Obviously, in the above example, the sample sizes are the same so "joining back" the data by taking mean of the means is the same as taking mean of the whole sample. The problem is that the whole example follows the ill-defined logic that the sample is first divided in parts, then to be joined back again for the final estimate.
The example can be re-phrased to lead to exactly the opposite conclusion:
The researcher and the student decided to split their dataset in two halves and to analyze them independently. Afterwards, they compared their estimates and it appeared that the sample means that they calculated were very different, moreover standard error of student's estimate was much greater. The student was afraid that this could suggest issues with precision of his estimate, but the researcher implied that there is no connection between confidence intervals and precision, so both of the estimates are equally trustworthy and they can publish any one of them, chosen randomly, as their final estimate.
Stating it more formally, "standard" confidence intervals, like the Student's $t$, are based on errors
$$ \bar x \pm c \times \mathrm{SE}(x) $$
where $c$ is some constant. In such case, they are directly related to the precision, aren't they..?
So my question is:
Is the precision fallacy really a fallacy? What do confidence intervals say about precision?
Morey, R., Hoekstra, R., Rouder, J., Lee, M., & Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2015). The fallacy of placing confidence in confidence intervals. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 1–21.