I have the following panel-data model:
$$ y_{it} = \alpha_i + \lambda_t + \beta_i X_{it} + \varepsilon_{it}. $$
It contains individual-specific intercept $\alpha_i$, time-specific intercept $\lambda_t$ and individual-specific slope $\beta_i$ (a vector). $X_{it}$ are exogenous variables.
If I got the panel data terminology right, it would be a fairly standard two-way fixed effects model, if not for the individual-specific slopes.
- Does this model have a name? If so, how is it called?
- Where can I read more about this model and its estimation?
- What is a good estimator for the above model if
- $y_{i,\cdot}$ is integrated of order 1 (I(1)),
- $X_{i,\cdot}$ are I(1),
- $y_{i,\cdot}$ are cointegrated across individuals (i.e. across $i$), but
- there is no cointegration between $y_{i,\cdot}$ and $X_{i,\cdot}$?
- Is the model implemented in R? If not, is it implemented in some other software?
I have found something like this model in Stata's panel data manual, function xtxdpd
(see bottom of page 15); but I did not like that source too much.
The model does not look good if $y_{i,\cdot}$ is not cointegrated with $X_{i,\cdot}$, because then the regressors diverge from the regressand. So a model in first differences would make more sense.