I am a computer scientist with little statistics background and I am trying to find the best fitting distribution for some data set (using MATLAB). To assess the goodness of fit I use both Kolmogorov Smirnov (KS) and Anderson Darling (AD) tests, and here are the p-values for the same data set:
Distribution AD Test KS Test
Exp 0.439 1.49e-7
Weibull 0.498 1.40e-6
Pareto 0.244 6.24e-14
Logn 0.684 2.69e-4
Gamma 0.595 2.16e-4
I use a significance level of 0.05, and as far as I know with a p-value < 0.05 the null hypothesis is rejected which is the case for the KS test results. Then what should I conclude based on this result? The KS test says that none of the distributions is a good fit while the AD test can't reject the null hypothesis.
Edit: Here is an overview of what we do in our code:
fit_functions = { @wblfit, @expfit, @lognfit, @gpfit, @gamfit};
for i=1:length(fit_functions)
[varargout{1:x}] = fit (param, fit_functions {i});
[ad_result ks_result] = run_gof_tests(param, cdf_functions{i}, ... varargout{:});
and in run_gof_tests function we average 1,000 p-values to calculate the final p-values. Each p-value is computed by drawing fifty samples randomly from the data set. We have used this method due to reasons described in this tech report on pg 12: Modeling Machine Availability in Enterprise and Wide-area Distributed Computing Environments by Nurmi et al., UCSB Computer Science Technical Report Number CS2003-28.