Say you are given one-dimensional data $X$, with mean $\mu$ and central moments $a_n$ which you know. Can you construct a function $f(x)$ which transforms the data such that $f(X)$ has the central moments $b_n$, also given?
For instance, say we want our second moment (variance) to be $b_2$, then $f(x)=(x-\mu) \sqrt{\frac{b_2}{a_2}}$. Can we extend this function to higher orders as well, such that we can also determine skew, kurtosis or even higher central moments?
If possible, can we have this $f(x)$ monotonically increasing?
I am looking for this in the context of ANN, where such a function might be interesting to work as some kind of copula to make the data more gaussian-like (or maybe uniform?).