I need to find the exact test of level $\alpha$ for null hypothesis $H_0:\theta = \theta_0$ against the alternative hypothesis $H_0:\theta\neq\theta_0$ based on i.i.d data $y_1,\dots,y_n $ that follow the exponential distribution with scale parameter $\theta$.
I know that the likelihood function is $L(\theta)=\prod\frac{1}{\theta}e^{-\frac{y}{\theta}}=\frac{1}{\theta^n}e^{-\frac{\sum_y}{\theta}}$ and the relative MLE is $\hat \theta=\bar y$.
I use the definition of likelihood ratio:
$$\Lambda=\frac{L(\theta)}{\sup L(\theta)}=\frac{\theta^{-n}e^{-\frac{\sum y}{\theta}}}{\bar y^{-n}e^{-\frac{\sum y}{\bar y}}}=\left(\frac{\theta}{\bar y}\right)^{-n}e^{-\left(\frac{\sum y}{\theta}+\frac{\sum y}{\bar y}\right)}$$
But now I'm stuck on how to proceded. Any help or suggest?