
Let's say I have two signals $x_1$ and $x_2$, each having $N$ samples, i.e.:

$$ x_1 = \{ x_{11}, x_{12}, ..., x_{1N} \} $$ $$ x_2 = \{ x_{21}, x_{22}, ..., x_{2N} \} $$

The signals are both zero-mean. (Each signal's mean has already been subtracted from all of that signal's elements.)

Since the signals are both zero-mean, their moments and central moments are equal.

How can I calculate central moments of the joint probability density functions of $x_1$ and $x_2$?

In other words: How can I calculate $E[x_{1}^p x_{2}^q]$ for all positive integer values of $p$ and $q$?

I know how to compute $E[x_{1}^p x_{2}^q]$ when $p = q = 1$, but that's about it. I don't know how to do the calculation for larger values of $p$ and/or $q$.

The signals $x_1$ and $x_2$ are NOT statistically independent. If this were the case, it would be easy to compute as, for statistically independent signals: $E[x_{1}^p x_{2}^q] = E[x_{1}^p] E[x_{2}^q]$. This is not what I want.

Thank you very much for your help.

PS: Even the formulae which can be used to calculate/approximate these central moments (for finite samples) would be helpful, as I haven't been able to find them yet. It doesn't matter if there aren't any ready-to-use out-of-the-box Matlab functions, I'll then take care of coding the formulae myself.


When talking about statistical independence, does $E[x_{1}^p x_{2}^q]$ mean the first (central) moment of $x_1$ to the power of $p$, times $x_2$ to the power of $q$???

If this is the case, an example would be:

$$ x_1 = \sin(x)$$ $$ x_2 = \cos(x)$$

$E[x^2 y^3]$ is the first central moment of $\sin(x)^2 \cos(x)^3$, which is the mean of $\sin(x)^2 \cos(x)^3$ [for finite samples]

Can someone please verify this?

Thank you.

  • $\begingroup$ Something's not quite right here: normally, people understand expressions like $E[X^p]$ to be expectations of powers, but you state explicitly this is not a power. Furthermore, $E[X_1^p, X_2^q]$ does not have any conventional sense. Do you seek the expectation of the vector-valued expression $(X_1^p, X_2^q)$ or do you want the $(p,q)$ moment, which is the expectation of the product $X_1^p X_2^q$? Finally, it appears you want these moments as sample statistics, but for what purpose? There are many possible estimators for any given moment; choosing one depends on its purpose. $\endgroup$
    – whuber
    Commented Mar 6, 2012 at 21:44
  • $\begingroup$ @whuber You're right - the power part was a mistake, I apologise. I'd in fact edited the question seconds before I saw your comment. I actually need these to check whether two signals are statistically independent to each other. If so, E[x1^p x2^q] would be equal to E[x1^p] * E[x2^q]. I am already estimating E[x1^p] and E[x2^q] for all four central moments, but am stuck on the joint ones. Thank you for your help. $\endgroup$
    – Rachel
    Commented Mar 6, 2012 at 22:19
  • $\begingroup$ See also this related and very similar question on dsp.SE $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 6, 2012 at 22:27
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ The missing piece for me, Rachel, is that I don't see any clear indication of randomness in your setup. Where you write $E[x^2 y^3]$ and then refer to $\sin(x)$ and $\cos(x)$, I wonder what exactly is random here. Is $x$ supposed to be a random variable? If so, what can you say about it? Or are $x$ and $y$ stochastic processes? To make progress, we need some kind of probability model along with clear definitions of your variables. $\endgroup$
    – whuber
    Commented Mar 6, 2012 at 23:07
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I see... . My guesses were correct. (1) Stone tries to use a conventional notion of independence. (2) He glosses over some technical niceties because he's trying to explain the relationship between correlation and independence. (3) The example with sine and cosine is IMHO, absolutely horrible, because it does not involve random variables at all! What connects this "example" with independence is the idea of an integral, but the example is about something completely different. We can fit the example into a probability framework only by assuming time $t$ has a uniform distribution. $\endgroup$
    – whuber
    Commented Mar 6, 2012 at 23:29

1 Answer 1


This question appears to use some statistical terminology in unconventional ways. Understanding this will help resolve the issues:

  • A "signal" appears to be a (measurable) function $x$ defined on a determined Real interval $[t_-, t_+)$. (This makes $x$ a random variable.) That interval is endowed with a uniform probability density. Taking $t$ as a coordinate for the interval, the probability density function therefore is $\frac{1}{t_+-t_-} dt$.

  • A "sample" of a signal is a sequence of values of $x$ obtained along an arithmetic progression of times $\ldots, t_0 - 2h, t_0-h, t_0, t_0+h, t_0+2h, \ldots$ = $(t_1,t_2,\ldots,t_n)$ (restricted, of course, to the domain $[t_-, t_+)$). These values may be written $x(t_i) = x_i$.

  • The "expectation" operator $E$ may refer either to (a) the expectation of the random variable $x$, therefore equal to $\frac{1}{t_+-t_-}\int_{t_-}^{t_+}x(t)dt$ or (b) the mean of a sample, therefore equal to $\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n x_i$. This lets us translate formulas for expectations of signals to formulas for expectations of their samples merely by replacing integrals by averages.

  • "Statistical independence" of signals $x$ and $y$ means they are independent as random variables.

The importance of powers of $\sin$ and $\cos$ becomes evident when we notice that "most" signals can be written as convergent Fourier series -- that is, linear combinations of the functions $\sin(n t)$, $n=1, 2, \ldots$, and $\cos(m t)$, $m=0, 1, 2, \ldots$, and that these functions, in turn, can be written as (finite) linear combinations of non-negative integral powers of products, $\sin^p(t)\cos^q(t)$. Because the expectation operator is linear, we would naturally be interested in studying and computing expectations of such monomials.

Now, $\sin$ and $\cos$ are usually not "statistically independent" except when the length of the interval, $t_+ - t_-$, is a multiple of $2\pi$. The signals of interest in applications are those for which this length is huge. Thus, at least to a very good approximation, we can think of $\sin$ and $\cos$ as being independent. But what does this mean? How can we think about it?

To discuss the concepts, I am going to make an "ink = probability" metaphor by considering scatterplots of large independent samples of $(x,y)$. If $A$ is any (measurable) region within the scatterplot, then the proportion of ink covering $A$ closely approximates the probability of $A$ under the joint distribution of $(x,y)$.

Figure 1

$x$ is plotted on the horizontal axis and $y$ on the vertical. $A$ is the rectangle. The proportion of blue ink drawn on this rectangle equals the proportion of the 2000 dots used, which reflect the joint probability density of $(x,y)$.

The statistical definition of independence of two random variables $x$ and $y$ is that their joint distribution is the product of the marginal distributions. The marginal distribution of $x$ is obtained by taking thin vertical slices of the scatterplot: the chance that $x$ lies between $x'$ and $x'+dx$ equals the proportion of ink used for all points in this region, regardless of the value of $y$: that's a vertical strip.

Figure 2

Now, in any vertical strip, some of the ink appears more in some places than in others. Compare these two strips:

Figure 4

In the right-hand strip in this illustration, the blue ink tends to be higher (have larger $y$ values) than in the left-hand strip. This is lack of independence. Independence means that no matter where the strip is located, you see the same vertical distribution of ink, as here:

Figure 5

What is interesting about this last figure is how it was drawn. It is a scatterplot of a sample $(x(t), y(t))$ at 10,000 equally spaced times. Let's look at the first one percent of this sample:

Figure 6

There is a clear lack of independence here! During any small interval of time, two signals can be highly functionally dependent, but if over a long period of time that functional dependence "averages out," the signals are still considered independent. (In this case the signals were $x(t) = \cos((e/20)t)$ and $y(t) = \sin(t/20)$ sampled at times $t=1, 2, \ldots, 10000$.)

Let's get back to the questions, which concern expectation as well as independence. We can also think of expectation geometrically: in a scatterplot of two signals (or their samples), $(x,y)$, $E[x]$ is the average horizontal location of the dots and $E[y]$ is the average vertical location. For instance, consider the signals $x(t)=\cos(t)$ and $y(t)=\sin(t)$ over the interval $[0, 2\pi)$, with this scatterplot:

Figure 7

The symmetrical form indicates the average of $x$ must be at $0$ and likewise for the average of $y$. Therefore $E[\cos(t)]$ = $E[\sin(t)]$ = $0$ (for this particular domain).

Consider now their squares. Here's the scatterplot:

Figure 8

Of course! $\cos^2(t) + \sin^2(t)=1$, so the squares must lie along the line $x+y=1$. The average of each coordinate is $1/2$. Naturally the averages cannot be zero: squares tend to be positive. So, if we wish to find the second central moment of (say) $x(t) = cos^2(t)$, often written $\mu'_2(x)$, then we first compute its expectation ($1/2$) and (by definition) integrate the second power of the residuals:

$$\mu'_2(x) = E[(x - E[x])^2] = \frac{1}{t_+ - t_-}\int_{t_-}^{t_+}\left(\cos^2(t) - 1/2\right)^2 dt.$$

In general, the $(p,q)$ central moment of a bivariate signal $(x,y)$, written $\mu'_{pq}(x,y)$, is obtained similarly: first compute the expectations of $x$ (written $\mu(x)$) and $y$ (written $\mu(y)$), and then find the expectation of the appropriate monomial in the residuals $x(t) - \mu(x)$ and $y(t) - \mu(y)$:

$$\mu'_{pq}(x,y) = \frac{1}{t_+-t_-}\int_{t_-}^{t_+}\left(x(t)-\mu(x))^p\right)\left(y(t)-\mu(y)\right)^q dt.$$

Continuing the example posed in the question, let $x(t) = \sin(t)$, $y(t) = \cos(t)$, and suppose the domain is a multiple of one common period of both signals; say, $[t_-, t_+)$ = $[0, 2\pi)$. As we have seen, $\mu(x)$ = $\mu(y)$ = 0. Therefore

$$\mu'_{23}(x,y) = \frac{1}{2\pi}\int_0^{2\pi}\left(\sin(t)-0\right)^2\left(\cos(t)-0\right)^3dt = 0.$$

More generally (in this case) $\mu'_{2m,2n}(x,y) = \frac{\pi ^{1/2} 2^{m+2 n-1}}{\Gamma \left(\frac{1}{2}-n\right) \Gamma \left(-m-n+\frac{1}{2}\right) \Gamma (2 m+2 n+1)}$ for non-negative integral $m,n$; all other central moments are zero. (This formula in terms of Gamma functions works for non-integral $m$ and $n$.)

A subtle and potentially confusing point concerns what we consider $x$ to be. If, instead of taking $x(t)=\sin(t)$, we consider the different signal $x(t)=\sin^2(t)$, then, as we have seen, $\mu(x)=1/2$ and therefore

$$\mu'_2(x) = \mu'_2(\sin^2(t)) = \frac{1}{2\pi}\int_0^{2\pi}\left(\sin^2(t)-1/2\right)^2 dt = 1/8.$$

Beware: because the expectation of $\sin^2$ is nonzero, its second central moment, $1/8$, does not necessarily equal the fourth central moment of $\sin$ (which equals $3/8$), even though both integrals involve fourth powers of $\sin$.

Finally, when working with samples, just replace the integrals by averages.

  • $\begingroup$ First of all thank you for the marvellous answer. I'm trying to take it all in atm! I believe you made a good distinction by writing the number of the moment as a subscript, instead of a superscript. It helps avoiding confusion between E2[x] and E[x^2]. With regards to the finite samples of sin(t) and cos(t) - as you mentioned the 1st central moment is 0, but the 1st central moment of their squares is NOT (as can be seen when plotting them against each other). This would imply that the two signals are NOT independent. Am I correct in saying this? $\endgroup$
    – Rachel
    Commented Mar 7, 2012 at 18:47
  • $\begingroup$ You're correct, Rachel. Look at the scatterplot of $(\cos, \sin)$: it exhibits an extremely clear lack of dependence. (This is one reason I selected it as an example.) Nevertheless, the $\cos$ and $\sin$ signals are uncorrelated. (For more on interpreting correlation, check out out the thread at stats.stackexchange.com/questions/18058.) $\endgroup$
    – whuber
    Commented Mar 7, 2012 at 18:53
  • $\begingroup$ Yes, yes I understand! Coming up with uncorrelated signals is relatively simple - you can use decorrelating matrices to get signals whose covariance matrix is diagonal. Unfortunately, independence places many more restrictions. Stone's book mentions that: if two signals are independent, ALL higher order correlations are zero, i.e. corr(x^p, y^q) is always equal to zero. In this example (IF the symbols were in fact independent), this would mean that corr(sin(t), cos(t)) = corr(sin(t)^2, cos(t)) = corr(sin(t)^2, cos(t)^2 = ... = 0, etc. Correct? $\endgroup$
    – Rachel
    Commented Mar 7, 2012 at 19:00
  • $\begingroup$ And corr(x^p, y^q) = E1[x^p y^q] / (s1 * s2), where E1 is the first central moment, and s1 and s2 are the standard deviations of the samples of x^p and y^q. AND the 1st central moment can be calculated by taking the scalar product of the vectors and dividing by the number of samples. $\endgroup$
    – Rachel
    Commented Mar 7, 2012 at 19:04
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ +1 for this nicely illustrated response and an interesting comments thread. (I should definitively start learning Mathematica graphics!) $\endgroup$
    – chl
    Commented Mar 12, 2012 at 22:14

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