In your first model, the intercept is the expected value for group A when pred1, pred2, and pred3 are all 0.
The coefficients for group B and group C are the expected difference from Group A for these other groups (at any value of the pred vars as you have no interactions).
(Your example is not fully reproducible as you did not set seed. So I repeat with a fixed seed.)
> set.seed(20190727-2150)
> dat=data.frame(IV = rnorm(9), group=c("A","A","A","B","B","B","C","C","C"),pred1=rnorm(9),pred2=rnorm(9),pred3=rnorm(9))
> lm(IV ~ group + pred1 + pred2 + pred3, data=dat)
lm(formula = IV ~ group + pred1 + pred2 + pred3, data = dat)
(Intercept) groupB groupC pred1 pred2
0.58421 0.65581 -1.22962 -0.14758 0.50855
In your second model, you forced all groups into the model, but also included an intercept. This leads to perfect collinearity so there is no single solution to the regression equations. lm
dropped one of the offending variables (group C) to fit the model. This is why the coefficient for group C is NA
> dat2 = cbind(dat[,c("IV","pred1","pred2","pred3")], model.matrix(~ factor(dat$group) - 1) )
> lm(IV~., data = dat2)
lm(formula = IV ~ ., data = dat2)
(Intercept) pred1 pred2
-0.64541 -0.14758 0.50855
pred3 `factor(dat$group)A` `factor(dat$group)B`
0.02724 1.22962 1.88543
So now the intercept is the expected value for group C when pred1, pred2, and pred3 are all 0. The coefficients for group A and group B are the expected difference from Group C for these other groups (at any value of the pred vars as you have no interactions).
Note that the intercept in the second model is the same as the intercept in the first model plus the coefficient for group C.
> .58421 + -1.22962
[1] -0.64541
I think for your second model, you intended to exclude the intercept.
> lm(IV ~ 0 + group + pred1 + pred2 + pred3, data=dat)
lm(formula = IV ~ 0 + group + pred1 + pred2 + pred3, data = dat)
groupA groupB groupC pred1 pred2 pred3
0.58421 1.24002 -0.64541 -0.14758 0.50855 0.02724
Now there is no intercept (or 3 intercepts, for groups A, B, C, respectively).
The coefficients for each group are the expected values for those groups when pred1, pred2, and pred3 are all 0.
You can see the coefficient for group A is the same as the intercept in your first model.
You can see the coefficient for group C is the same as the intercept in your second model.
The coefficient for group B is the same as:
Model 1: Intercept + group B coefficient:
> .58421 + .65581
[1] 1.24002
Model 2: Intercept + group B coefficient:
> -.64541 + 1.88543
[1] 1.24002
I think I have answered your specific questions about interpretation of the intercept and reason for NA in the second model.
Your initial question was "What is the recommended way to add the dummy variable "
As you can see from above, all the models are equivalent. Add the dummies in the way that facilitates the interpretation you want. If you care about differences from a reference group, use the first model. If you are mainly interested in expected values in each group, you can drop the intercept and include all dummies.
But don't try to include all dummies and an intercept! (unless you really really know what you are doing and why you want to do it).
is already a factor, usingfactor(group)
is redundant. $\endgroup$R
did that automatically in the first model. You forced all dummies into the model in the second one. I guess that is why you haveNA
and a different intercept. $\endgroup$