My question grew out of a discussion with @whuber in the comments of a different question.
Specifically, @whuber 's comment was as follows:
One reason it might surprise you is that the assumptions underlying a correlation test and a regression slope test are different--so even when we understand that the correlation and slope are really measuring the same thing, why should their p-values be the same? That shows how these issues go deeper than simply whether $r$ and $\beta$ should be numerically equal.
This got my thinking about it and I came across a variety of interesting answers. For example, I found this question "Assumptions of correlation coefficient" but can't see how this would clarify the comment above.
I found more interesting answers about the relationship of Pearson's $r$ and the slope $\beta$ in a simple linear regression (see here and here for example) but none of them seem to answer what @whuber was referring to in his comment (at least not apparent to me).
Question 1: What are the assumptions underlying a correlation test and a regression slope test?
For my 2nd question consider the following outputs in R
model <- lm(Employed ~ Population, data = longley)
lm(formula = Employed ~ Population, data = longley)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-1.4362 -0.9740 0.2021 0.5531 1.9048
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 8.3807 4.4224 1.895 0.0789 .
Population 0.4849 0.0376 12.896 3.69e-09 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Residual standard error: 1.013 on 14 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.9224, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9168
F-statistic: 166.3 on 1 and 14 DF, p-value: 3.693e-09
And the output of the cor.test()
with(longley, cor.test(Population, Employed))
Pearson's product-moment correlation
data: Population and Employed
t = 12.8956, df = 14, p-value = 3.693e-09
alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
0.8869236 0.9864676
sample estimates:
As can be seen by the lm()
and cov.test()
output, the Pearson's correlation coefficient $r$ and the slope estimate ($\beta_1$) are largely different, 0.96 vs. 0.485, respectively, but the t-value and the p-values are the same.
Then I also tried to see if I am able to calculate the t-value for $r$ and $\beta_1$, which are the same despite $r$ and $\beta_1$ being different. And that's where I get stuck, at least for $r$:
Calculate the the slope ($\beta_1$) in a simple linear regression using the total sums of squares of $x$ and $y$:
x <- longley$Population; y <- longley$Employed
xbar <- mean(x); ybar <- mean(y)
ss.x <- sum((x-xbar)^2)
ss.y <- sum((y-ybar)^2)
ss.xy <- sum((x-xbar)*(y-ybar))
Calculate the least-squares estimate of the regression slope, $\beta_{1}$ (there is a proof of this in Crawley's R Book 1st edition, page 393):
b1 <- ss.xy/ss.x
# [1] 0.4848781
Calculate the standard error for $\beta_1$:
ss.residual <- sum((y-model$fitted)^2)
n <- length(x) # SAMPLE SIZE
k <- length(model$coef) # NUMBER OF MODEL PARAMETER (i.e. b0 and b1)
df.residual <- n-k
ms.residual <- ss.residual/df.residual # RESIDUAL MEAN SQUARE
se.b1 <- sqrt(ms.residual/ss.x)
# [1] 0.03760029
And the t-value and p-value for $\beta_1$:
t.b1 <- b1/se.b1
p.b1 <- 2*pt(-abs(t.b1), df=n-2)
# [1] 12.89559
# [1] 3.693245e-09
What I don't know at this point, and this is Question 2, is, how to calculate the same t-value using $r$ instead of $\beta_1$ (perhaps in baby-steps)?
I assume that since cor.test()
's alternative hypothesis is whether the true correlation is not equal to 0 (see cor.test()
output above), I would expect something like the Pearson correlation coefficient $r$ divided by the "standard error of the Pearson correlation coefficient" (similar to the b1/se.b1
above)?! But what would that standard error be and why?
Maybe this has something to do with the aforementioned assumptions underlying a correlation test and a regression slope test?!
EDIT (27-Jul-2017): While @whuber provided a very detailed explanation for Question 1 (and partly Question 2, see comments under his answer), I did some further digging and found that these two posts (here and here) do show a specific standard error for $r$, which works well to answer Question 2, that is to reproduce the t-value given $r$:
r <- 0.9603906
n <- 16 <- sqrt((1-r^2)/(n-2))
# [1] 12.8956