If you want to plot the coefficients from the regression model resulting from multiple imputation, then you can simply plot the pooled coefficients, given that the pooled coefficients are the correct estimates after multiple imputation. You can totally do that in R. This part of your question (i.e. "no really good way to plot this output") is more a programming question than a data visualization one, but the rest of the question raises a number of other issues beyond programming.
Here is a simple example using the mice
and jtools
libraries, to show there's currently no technical obstacle to plotting pooled coefficients (maybe it was more difficult to do at the time when you asked your question 5 years ago):
imp <- mice(nhanes, maxit = 2, m = 2)
fit <- with(data = imp, exp = lm(bmi ~ hyp + chl))
pooled.fit <- pool(fit)
term estimate std.error statistic df p.value
1 (Intercept) 20.83085470 4.69764869 4.4343151 5.678522 0.005025847
2 hyp -0.34808658 2.13909014 -0.1627265 19.459793 0.872411742
3 chl 0.03012864 0.02160183 1.3947264 9.505523 0.194831834
On the other hand, taking a single one of the multiple imputed models and plotting its coefficients may lead to something wrong or misleading, as you suspected in the comments when you said "i'm worried because a single plot doesn't show the uncertainty". Pooled coefficients are very likely to be different from coefficients taken from any of the individual models generated during the multiple imputation workflow.
There is a simple example of this difference in the section "5.1.4 Repeated analyses" from Stef van Buuren's Flexible Imputation of Missing Data, where he notes that for the models fitted to the imputed datasets, "the estimates differ from each other because of the uncertainty created by the missing data". In this "repeated analyses" section, you can see for example than the two first imputed models have coefficients of 4.08 and 6.77 for the bmi variable, while the bmi's pooled coefficient is 4.99.